Gotsis Injury News?

I just got word that Dhatura partially tore his ACL while making this post. Someone please help us.

edit: My post tore the rest of his ACL. öööö.

edit: His MCL is gone.

edit: Jesus. His PCL found its way into his lung.

edit: His lung just tore his PCL.
Blew out his o ring and dropped a lung.
And summers for 1 WR.

What the hell is goin on!?! Why so many getting injured?
Really, is there an equipment manager that we can blame this on?? Doubtful, just this season has been a disaster in so many ways.
Really, is there an equipment manager that we can blame this on?? Doubtful, just this season has been a disaster in so many ways.

Not anymore. Our equipment manager shattered his headbone ligament in week two, out for the year.
Too much strength, not enough conditioning

It's funny because last season I thought, "Wow our new S&C coach must be amazing because we haven't had ANY injuries."

So I'm going to revert back to my old way of thinking that injuries are 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will 5% pleasure and 50% pain.
Really, is there an equipment manager that we can blame this on?? Doubtful, just this season has been a disaster in so many ways.

Haven't pretty much every one of our games been on shitty fields in shitty weather conditions? Wasn't FSU the only one played on a sunny day?