GT is ranked headed into the bowl and .....


Nov 25, 2001
CG has us ranked headed into the bowl game.

coming off those 2 wins against top 10 teams (something O'leary never could do) it is clear that we are moving in the right direction.

All you Gailey Haters just sit back and enjoy the ride. It has been 15 years since we have taken down a quality opponant like Miami. It took Beamer longer than 4 years to accomplish what CG has done.

GT is ranked and the players play hard despite all the adversity surrounding this team.
albeit down a little but i noticed we are in the BCS rankings as well. I know it's not a huge deal in all but when was the last time we finished in the top 25 in the BCS?

I have lots of thoughts on changes i think need to be made and hopefully Chan will make them.

1. i do think Chan needs an OC, he needs to manage the game not just the offense.

2. I think we do have a ball controlled offense 55% run 45% pass and holding on to the ball an average of 4+ minutes a game.

3. Need a new special teams coach yesterday.

4. Open the QB job up in the spring and the first 3 weeks of training camp. any QB can be great in the spring but when you get close to the games let's see who's butthole tightens up and let's see who performs under the pressure of opening day.

5. OL get in the weight room, i thought you guys finished up on a positive note. Get thick skin as well because all my life it's always been the OL's fault so get used to it.

6. Sign Tenuta to a nice contract with bonuses.

7. work the state of GA. like you never have before. and challenge the hill to get some of these kids in and then tutor the hell out of them.

8. reorganize the marketing department and bring out a new plan for chairbacks.

9. Heavy dose of PR campaigning. Coach Gailey needs to be everywhere in the state at fan club meetings to answer questions.

10. Give Braine what he wants to move on and bring in new AD and Assoc. AD immediately, meaning before the bowl game.

11. get alumni, fans and letterwinners involved in helping and promoting the sale of season tickets (end 3 game packages now. I liked the idea of pricing each game individually base on the opponent, hell everyone else does.

Those are just a few of my meager thoughts and hopefully some if not all will be met.

The majority of the people i have talked with about Chan's extension is 5 years too much 2 maybe 3 would have been acceptable. finishing with a bowl win will put us at 8 wins. I prefer 8 or 9 wins and then a bowl win but I am realistic.

One thing about academics and i won't talk about it anymore. i think we need to stop using it as an excuse. It is hard and we know it we need to deal with it and move on. We need to recruit kids who are man enough to know what's ahead of them and deal with it knowing that when they graduate they will get a job anywhere in the world they want.

just my /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twocents.gif worth of driveling.
Not too bad of thoughts for a "mountain man". /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif
On the special teams coaching, any ideas on who would be good for that? or, who would even consider it? They did appear to be a bit undisciplined at times.
I agree John. Academics aren't and excuse but they are part of our reality. Losing games can't be excused by our academics. But for those who's life revolves around recruiting, they have to accept the fact that we won't be able to admit some of the kids they are drooling over. How about getting excited about what happens on the field instead of how many stars some 18 year old kid has?
You're right they are a part of reality and we should accept it as that. Stars are labels and it shouldn't be that way. we beat miami and we rose to #40 in recruiting what does that tell you.

Some on here think it is that easy to overwhelm the hill and intimidate them, it is not going to work. We tried that once and we are now on probation.

You work with the hill you don't tell them what you are going to do. As i said before i remember professors eating lunch and dinner with us when i played and it bridge a large communication gap. The prof's weren't any easier on us but they understood us better and what athletes go through.

Give me a one star with heart and i will take them every time over a 4 star with a "I" and "me" attitude.
Great post, I can't agrue with any of your points!! I truly hope Tech takes your advise on some of the things you listed! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggthumpup.gif
All you Gailey Haters just sit back and enjoy the ride.

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Do you do this to simply try to keep stirring the pot or what?

98% of those that would have liked to have seen a coaching change have accepted the fact that a new contract has been signed, and Chan will be here for a while.
But, please understand that most see the extension as a chance for Chan to make the next step, and that will be a lot of work in areas that he has not touched yet. Chan has a lot to prove,but I think he can do it. For those that don't, I respect their opinion.

If we were talking basketball, I would be perfectly content if P Hewitt won more than he lost, and typically made it to the ncaa tournament, but would be bounced in the first round. Would you?
If not, consider that this stupid Bball scenario pretty much describes the state of our football program.

Just about everyone has accepted the CG extension, but you want everyone to feel it was justified for work done, and not for the potential of better things ahead. Let it go.
Well done John! Points 1,2, and 3 are especially important but in fact a savy athletic director would take your entire post and use it for a New Years Day Resolution board.
And if action on 1, 3, and 4 have not happened now, why do we think they will happen in 06?

Should the renewal demand changes in some areas. Does it?

Questions for the man who has been there....

3. Need a new special teams coach yesterday. Amen, Brother

4. Open the QB job up in the spring and the first 3 weeks of training camp. any QB can be great in the spring but when you get close to the games let's see who's butthole tightens up and let's see who performs under the pressure of opening day. Is this to promote competition for Reggie or do you sense there is a QB to overtake a 3-yr starter? FWIW, I do

5. OL get in the weight room, i thought you guys finished up on a positive note. Get thick skin as well because all my life it's always been the OL's fault so get used to it. to what are you referring? I remember you were down on Coach D 12 months ago, but WOW has the young OL been solid this year. Gotta give D some props.

7. work the state of GA. like you never have before. and challenge the hill to get some of these kids in and then tutor the hell out of them. a bit of a tired subject, but are GA athletes THAT important?

10. Give Braine what he wants to move on and bring in new AD and Assoc. AD immediately, meaning before the bowl game. rumors are too rampant; gonna happen!

One thing about academics and i won't talk about it anymore. i think we need to stop using it as an excuse. Agree with NCJ; it irks me when folks DENY the reality, so I attempt to explain, and then it can sound like whining.
I could not have said it better myself, pocket_watch. I was about to log on and reply to LB when I read your post.

When GT wins a football game, he has to address the 'Gailey haters'. When we lose, he says something to the 'Gailey haters'. Even though he obviously has knowledge of the game, and makes good points from time to time, his first priority is to, as you say, 'stir the pot'.

LawBee, I second pocket_watch's statement: let it frickin' go. The teams we play are the opponents, NOT other Tech fans.
Re: JD..

4. Competition makes everyone better, open all jobs up as i said for spring and first three weeks of summer and you will see cream rise to the top.

5. I was down on Coach D. because i didn't see fire in the kids eye, as far as progressing i thought they ended on a good note but need to finish bowl off on a better note.

7. Georgia athletes are important but opening up to the HS coaches will win trust therefore we will get better opportunities. The majority of these kids grow up as mutts just like i did and we need someone to show them the better way. Communication is key.

10. Needs to happen before the Bowl, we can only hope. This would give the new AD a great stage at the bowl for PR campaigning.

* Reality is what it is, let's move forward and stop whining and bitching.

One thing about academics and i won't talk about it anymore. i think we need to stop using it as an excuse. It is hard and we know it we need to deal with it and move on. We need to recruit kids who are man enough to know what's ahead of them and deal with it knowing that when they graduate they will get a job anywhere in the world they want.

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JD, like the others I agree with everything, but you really nailed the landing!
Tech is what it is, deal with it.

We can recruit on a national basis, and we can do it much better than anyone around us in the southeast. All that the ugas and Ala.s of this region have is football. The so called education is blase' at best, and can be gotten anywhere in the country.

I know that we don't exert any effort toward marketing our school nationally. The AA and the football leaders only take a regional focus, because thats all they are comfortable with. Believe me that the right people are abundantly available to have Tech in a national scope.

About academics, it is a crutch and it's a very boring excuse.
Maybe it won't look so difficult if everyone realizes that all it will take is 22-25 great kids to build a yearly recruiting class. 15 this year.

If we don't have people in charge that see this as doable, we just don't have the right people.
We have been trying to beat uga the uga way, and it has been failing miserably. What D Braine was really saying is that we can't expect to win 9 games a year doing it the way we have. No shat Dave, this job requires a backhoe, and you show up with a shovel!

We need to get this thing accomplished the Ga. Tech way. When we do, then we will be able to achieve the results we want. Until then, it will be more excuse making and whining about academic restrictions.

Does everyone realize that Tech will never get to experience 5 year runs over uga? As soon as we figure out and then achieve our national recruiting footprint, we will beat uga like a drum, but before Tech is in the midst of long term dominance over uga, Georgia will figure it out and drop us like a hot potato.
As evidenced by uga signing up their semi literates, it should be very clear that the uga way is the easy way. I look forward to the day when their AD announces that "in order to focus more on our conference responsibilities, its in our best interest to suspend our series with Ga. Tech." You watch.

This is the most important winter in a very long time for Ga. Tech football. Bust Their Ass Jackets!
I look forward to the day when their AD announces that "in order to focus more on our conference responsibilities, its in our best interest to suspend our series with Ga. Tech." You watch.

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Ga/GT game mandated by state law since GT left the SEC.
Only way it gets cancelled is for the State Legislature to change the law.

Ga/GT game mandated by state law since GT left the SEC.
Only way it gets cancelled is for the State Legislature to change the law.

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If and when we get there, I don't think this will be a problem as long as another Bubba Perdue is elected.
My thing on academics is this. It's true and it is what it is. But you don't get any extra points for higher GPA nor do you get to count one loss as a win because of academic issues. So it isn't an excuse and it isn't even a reason. It's just part of being Tech. We need to, and we can win regardless.

BUT, the problem academics causes is with the fanbase. People spend more time bitching about who we sign and who we don't, and that's what causes all the commotion. We should be interested and we should be happy with the kids who want to play for Tech. We all want the best players we can get. But once it's done we need to shut up about it and concentrate on wins and losses.

Like I said, Spurrier was the one who first said (I think) WTTE "they don't give any trophies for recruiting"
BUT, the problem academics causes is with the fanbase. People spend more time bitching about who we sign and who we don't, and that's what causes all the commotion. We should be interested and we should be happy with the kids who want to play for Tech. We all want the best players we can get. But once it's done we need to shut up about it and concentrate on wins and losses.

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Very good points, NC.

I remain skeptical of the recruiting services. Blue chippers were blue chippers long before people took advantage of the internet market and made an industry of selling "information" to already maniaical fans. As many agree, ranking kids down to #50 or lower at a position is a crap shoot at best.

What I wrote may look like I don't think Tech has many good football players, but I certainly don't mean that.

I am a proponent of the national recruiting scope because I seriously feel that Tech has an incredible academic advantage that we don't exploit.

I am not a vet, but this over dramatic analogy comes to mind: Navy Seals. From my understanding, those guys are the very best of the best within the Navy. They volunteer for a ridiculously difficult physical and mental regimine just to compete to be a Seal. For the ones that make it, they carry that honor the rest of their lives.
Like I said, this analogy is so over dramatic its ridiculous. To anyone in the service reading this, I apologize if I offended.

My only point in this is that Tech needs embrace who we proudly are versus worrying what uga or Miss. State may say to a kid about calculus.
I don't believe we have the right people in place at Tech right now to put together the aggressive public relations campaign that will get the word out that we are a real school looking for the best student athletes anywhere in the country to win national championships.

I happen to think that the kids we want will respond to the challenge and rewards Tech offers.
Again, sorry for the rah-rah, but I feel very passionate about this subject.
I am constantly astounded to see how many people misunderstand the real issue surrounding academics at GT and their impact on recruiting. For me it is, of course, real that our academic standards are very tough. I am an alum so I know what it takes to get through GT. I did not have such time consuming commitments as playing football or another sport at GT so I can't even begin to imagine how much MORE difficult that makes it.

But like others have said you have to do a better job of finding those kids who are smart enough AND motivated enough (by the way, the motivated part is sometimes more important than being super intelligent) and recruit them. That, I think, is very doable.

But it isn't the end of the story. Because finding smart kids is not THAT hard (look at their grades, test scores, and talk to their teachers about them and you'll find out who can hack it and who can't). But finding smart kids who also want to attend a school with as limited a curriculum as GT does just makes the problem of academics exponentially more difficult to overcome in my book. We aren't in the same boat as Notre Dame from an academic standpoint because while we both have high entry standards for athletes at least THEY have a larger list of majors that might interest kids.

So when people mention academics as a HUGE ifluencer in our recruiting it is a twofold problem, not just scores but also curriculum that we offer.

Personally if I weren't already interested in science, engineering, or management I would look at our choice of classes and electives and go "yuck!" So I don't blame kids who do that.

Folks, you may not like it when you hear this as one of the reasons we don't win more recruiting battles for 4 star kids but it is a very real factor. But, this is a big but, it isn't the biggest factor our coaches have to overcome because I believe there are enough kids who are smart enough AND have enough interest in our curriculum for us to get to the next level. To me the biggest thing we have to overcome is not winning more games. We need to beat UGA. We need to beat the teams on our schedule who have equal or lesser talent or even just a bit better talent than we do and we need to be more consistent about it. I believe that beating NCSU would have had a big impact because then we finish 8-3 going into a bowl with the possibility of having 9 wins. That's a much better number than 7-4 with the possibility of 8-4.

So to recap:

- BIGGEST factor we have to overcome in recruiting is our record on the field

- BIG factor we have to overcome is academics which is a two headed monster encompassing both academic standards and limited curriculum

- Academic issues are immovable objects so we just have to figure out ways of finding the kids for whom academics are NOT an issue and do what we need to do get them on campus!

- We CAN win more games than we have and I think we can do that with this head coach
Not buying it


The limited curriculum angle is as worn as the "too tough" excuse. To believe this argument is to believe that Mr. "Take Yourpick" at uga went there because of their excellent Parks and Recreation (or whatever) program.

Tech could be broader but its broad enough to recruit nationally for 20 SAs per year. A kid will want to come to Tech to play for a championship and to get a world renowned degree.
If we miss on a few brilliant SAs that want to study Latin, that's the way it goes.

Believe me that very, very few high school seniors going on to play D-1 football know exactly what they want to study.
If someone is capable of Ga. Tech, he will find a very suitable degree program.

I know what I dream of isn't close at the moment, but I believe it could be with the right people and the right approach.