GT not mentioned much in AJC's SUPER 11 in Ga.

GT Ace

Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 3, 2001
GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

But it's still early. But 5 have already given verbal committments: 3 to Ga, 1 to Auburn & 1 to Michigan. Disappointed that Tech let a couple of these slip away.
Note that all should qualify.
Double note that the majority could qualify for GT NOW.
GT could sure use 2-6 of these guys. Man.

Super 11 in Ga
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

Also note the "what if I didn't play football" interests of some that have not committed. One listed Engineer and another put Computer Programmer. I for one think that's a positive for the Jackets to recruit them.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

Walker the RB from Buford looks like a good prospect for us, doesn't mention UGAg. Must want an education. Imagine that. Maybe we'll have a little inside track with Grant since it looks like Ball will be our QB.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

GT is certainly in on Calvin Johnson. Probably just an over site by Mark Slachback, who also is the UGA beat writer ad graduate of UGA...year right.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

Very painful to see our lack of involvement with the top in-state kids. We've got to correct this problem ASAP.

Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

I saw (unless mistaken) 3 out of 11 committed to Ugag. One of these was a RB was he not? Will he ever play? Doubtful. We were listed with what? 3,(did not count carefully) but none committed?
We are focusing on Georgia as well as a national scale of possiblilites.
I am with you, Dave. I want more aggression in Georgia and elsewhere as well. But, I also feel pretty well about what is going on so far among our staff. I have seen it worse in the "Top 11".
Ugag, pretty much has "open season" on stars. We as (that other car renter) have to work harder. Right now, it appears we have a staff that is doing just that, not only in Georgia, but Nation wide.

This is no flame. I concur with you that we ought to be ever improving and eventually be at the top of all recruting efforts in Georgia and on a nationwide basis. It may happen yet, it has seldom to never happened in the past.

Your points are well made, and I feel your desires raging, even as I do my own. I think (if things constinue as they presently are going) we will be o.k., and feel good. Bless you brother for your desires and enthusiasm to see Tech at the top. We should settle for nothing less.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

Originally posted by GT Ace:
But it's still early. But 5 have already given verbal committments: 3 to Ga, 1 to Auburn & 1 to Michigan. Disappointed that Tech let a couple of these slip away.
Note that all should qualify.
Double note that the majority could qualify for GT NOW.
GT could sure use 2-6 of these guys. Man.

Super 11 in Ga
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Remember that like many of our competitors, just being able to qualify by NCAA standards is not enough anymore. Like it or not...want to believe it or not...our standards have been raised. We have to remember that with the new graduation progression rules for eligibility, it makes it even tougher for the kids, and thus our program. We have no majors that are easy...there is nowhere to hide.

...and we will not give an oral exam to a football player just because he was too gutless to finish his final exam and walks out (i.e. Clarett at OSU).

The long-term strategy is solid...and frankly I am quite surprised at how quickly we have been able to build our 'new base' out there. Recruiting is going very well.

We are trying to position ourselves that because of our school and location...we can become "the Duke of college football". Just as Duke gets all of the best student-athlete basketball players...we will establish that reputation for football.

We will compete for kids across the country with NotreDame, Stanford, Penn State, Purdue, etc....and throw in a bunch of great kids from Florida and Georgia.

The 6 commitments we already have reflect that.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

You guys are missing the point on one facet of this Super Eleven stuff. If a kid really wants to come to Tech and is up front about it, the AJC would prefer that he not be on the list. Now I know some of you and the AJC will deny this, but it is my opinion. Another thing about this, do you know who on our pre fall practice roster was a Florida Super Eleven Pick? Clay Hartley. Do you know who on our present roster was Player of The Year in Geargia? A.J. Suggs, who made it because he was going to Tennessee. He would not have made it if he was known to be coming to Tech. Also, note that most of you would boo him if he started this year. Furthermore, do you know who on our present roster was Player of The Year in Ohio? Brian Camp. The basic point I make is this, these recruiting rankings are a bunch of crap for the most part, as is anything put together by Mark Scumbag of the AJC. Our coach is proving to be a great judge of talent, just as Bobby Ross was a great judge of talent. I will put my trust in who he selects for our recruiting.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

Very good points 824 and KK.
The AJC makes it look grand but there are 49 other states who have similar lists. And shucks, as mentioned, there are no guarantees with these kids listed.
Anyway, (a # 12-20) could make anyone or all of these top 11 look like poor selections.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

Thoughts on the List

1. Calvin Johnson is a big lean to GT. His mother badly wants him to go here and he wants to become an engineer. If Gailey is unable to sign a Top Flight player from our state, who wants to come here, who's mom loves GT, who has great grades and who wants to be an engineer, then I will be firmly off the Chan-Wagon and I'll probably change my handle to Little Bee Bad. Until, then he's a GT lean and we're going to sign him. I can't believe that the AJC didn't list him as a GT lean. That's BS.

2. Per one comment above. Thomas Brown is the top RB and CB prospect in this state. If he doesn't crack the Ugag lineup at RB, he'll start for them at CB before he's done. My brother teaches at Tucker HS and couldn't be more high on Brown as a person and a player.

3. We should be all over Walker like bees on honey. bees on a prospect.
He is a Top 25 national player in some publications and UGA isn't bothering to recruit him b/c of existing RB commitment. 4.0 GPA! Hello! And he lists us along side about 10 other schools.
He should be a TOP priority. We have got to step things up here. He's a bigger version of R. Grant.

4. Also RE; Michael Grant from Stephenson. We have somewhat of an "in" becauses of Reggie, but don't forget that Coach Gartrell's kid and Lumpkin both signed with Ugag last year. We should have made a bigger push for TJ last year given the power of Coach Gartrell's influence over these kids. Also, I don't think we have the track program to sign this kid. He's an Olympic Sprinter hopeful, and wants a Top track program. Watch out for ARK. They have a great track program and are dirty as heck.

Lastly, my only problem with our recruiting so far is offering a kicker a scholarship when we need so many other warm bodies at every down positions.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

Why is it we Tech fans trust recruiting rankings and services more than our coaches? Believe me, if the kid is good, and qualifies we recruit him.

All this questioning does no good but make yourself frustrated over your percieved thoughts that we don't recruit the best players.

Shouldn't last seasons recruiting class be a good testament to that?
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

YodaBee, good analysis. And yes we do need a lot of bodies at a lot of positions, but in case you haven't noticed, we need a kicker too.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

Speaking of kickers. I notice David Jordan is our #2 guy. I also notice that he was fairly well regarded by recruiting services. Has anyone been watching him? How does he look?

I tend to buy into the recruiting rankings. I don't think many perenial powers run on mediocre recruits.

Does anyone know of a site that posts class rankings further than a couple years back? If so, average out recruitings rankings for various schools in, say, two or four year periods and compare them to the national rankings for the next two or four year period. If you do that with enough teams, you should get an accurate picture of the accuracy of the recruiting rankings.

Talking about individual players really does not give you a good answer to the question. It only tells you about individual players. For example, Hobie Holliday, Darryll Smith and K. Fox all were heralded linebacker recruits. Holliday is gone. Fox and Smith are outstanding. Looking at Holliday, you can argue against rankings. Looking at Smith and Fox, you can argue for them. I contend that any meaningful debate requires a more systematic analysis.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

nathogt, I don't worry too much about the rankings because I think they are to an extant self fulfilling prophecies. Good teams recruit good players, they typically sign good players because that's where those guys want to go and therefore those schools usually have good recruiting rankings. That's why who is recruiting a kid normally will predict how many "stars" he gets. The recruiting services don't really know anything, they just collect data on who is talking to who and look at a little tape to make their selections.

I mean, how many 1 star players does Ugag sign? For that matter look at our own history. Joe Gaston was a 1 last year when he committed. But he was a 3 within a couple of weeks. As another example, remember when ND sucked for so long and people kept talking about how their recruits were so good but their coaching was poor? Next thing you know Davie comes in as coach and all people can talk about is how they had no speed. Well those kids didn't get slow overnight. IMO they were overrated due to the fact they signed with ND.

So yeah, the rankings do suggest who the better high school players are, but you can't take them too seriously IMO.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

33Jacket, last yrs recruiting class hasn't played a single down for Tech so I can't look at them yet. Realistically, there's only 5-6 out of this class of 20 that's pushing for any real playing time. Things could change as the season goes along, but right now Chan's TWO recruiting classes have contributed paltry little.
I'll give him this in that his 1st, small class was beginning to make waves & was better than advertised, but then he lost 5 of em. We'll see how many of these 20 stick around after Spring Training, but he's already lost the 1st one brought in out of an original 21.
The best move GT's staff has made yet was bringing in Woods & Johnson from MB.

Georgia will get many players off the Super 11s, Super 100s, whatever, but what gets me is that we let our share, qualified for Tech, slip away to Mich, Aub, etc, etc. We ought to get our share as well. Just a thought.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

In a certain way, your explanation of how recruiting rankings are formed seems to validate the rankings.

Good teams recruit good players.

If several good teams are recruiting a player, he must be good.

A good recruiting class has many players who are being pursued by many good teams.

I don't know about the ND situation. But speed is one thing that the recruiting services do know about. Clocking a 40 is the easiest part of assessing a player there is. I'm guessing that Holtz built a team on power and not speed and that Davies felt that speed was needed to win but lacking.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

Clearly, Notre Dame had players and Davie was full of BS about how poor his talent was.

Ty Willingham had no trouble winning with those guys.

ND didn't have an impressive QB last year, but otherwise they had plenty of players. Just ask FSU.

Davie was an excuse making moron.
Re: GT not mentioned much in AJC\'s SUPER 11 in Ga.

Originally posted by Kennesawkid:
You guys are missing the point on one facet of this Super Eleven stuff. If a kid really wants to come to Tech and is up front about it, the AJC would prefer that he not be on the list. Now I know some of you and the AJC will deny this, but it is my opinion. Another thing about this, do you know who on our pre fall practice roster was a Florida Super Eleven Pick? Clay Hartley. Do you know who on our present roster was Player of The Year in Geargia? A.J. Suggs, who made it because he was going to Tennessee. He would not have made it if he was known to be coming to Tech. Also, note that most of you would boo him if he started this year. Furthermore, do you know who on our present roster was Player of The Year in Ohio? Brian Camp. The basic point I make is this, these recruiting rankings are a bunch of crap for the most part, as is anything put together by Mark Scumbag of the AJC. Our coach is proving to be a great judge of talent, just as Bobby Ross was a great judge of talent. I will put my trust in who he selects for our recruiting.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">GT has signed plenty of super 11 kids. I don't doubt that Slayhbag is a UGA cheerleader but your going too far when you say that the super 11, top 50 in GA, etc. is completely meaningless.