GT v. Colorado home and home announced

We're going to blaze right by them, leaving a big cloud of smoke in our wake.

Hey, who's hungry? Could really do some damage on some pizza.
StingTalk group weed buy?
By "Let's Settle This," they mean "Let's let the grandkids of the players from 1990 settle this."
I hope we have a few more National Championships by then so it really won't matter.
While this is great... Who are we going to schedule in 2018 and 2020?? We have openings.... Please tell me we are not thinking of an ACC OOC game with Wake Forest...
So, this should make for a great "beer"-cation plus some football on the road trip up there.

Ground rules: Colorado gets five downs once inside the 10 and gets to decide on what kickoff they want the phantom block in the back called?
I'll be 70 and 71 when we play these games. I'm not sure how you should play the over/under on me. I do know I'll be far too old to really enjoy Boulder. It will also likely shorten my life that I have to worry this long about over scheduling in the mid-twenties.