Just to close the loop on this, I got a call back from the GTAA today. Seems like there were a number of issues involved in this story (lost check, snow day, people sick with the schtank that is going around, etc. etc).
But here is what I learned: the GTAA has no problem at all with checks and has a person that is assigned to efficiently process them.
The second important point is that multiple operations receive mail at the 150 Bobby Dodd address. As a result, I was told the best way to address an envelope containing a check so that it gets to the check processing person is:
GTAA - The A/T Fund
150 Bobby Dodd Way
Atlanta, GA 30332
And put on the memo line of the check where you want it to go, for example:
Memo: GT Football Recruiting
Memo: GT Basketball
Thanks all for participating in my rant session. Appreciate ya and Gooooo JACKETS!!