Gtimer's Sod day photos of BDS excellent quality (LINK)

Re: Gtimer\'s Sod day photos of BDS excellent quality (LINK)

WOW. Now, that is sweet. Nice photoes Goldtimer!!!
Re: Gtimer\'s Sod day photos of BDS excellent quality (LINK)

Thanks. Came over to post the link, and it had already been done for me.

I've got lots more (and movies too) but I'd say these dozen give you a pretty good feel for how the sod looks and how the east and north are coming along.

That tiny little 2 megapixel camera (smallest made) doesn't do too badly, does it? Now if you all want to chip in and buy me a 6 megapixel one, I can do even better ;-)

My favorite is not of the stadium at all, but of the red brick walk which will be Yellow Jacket Alley, I presume. Seeing the curved road and walk with the north stands rising above the trees in the distance (and the upper stands will really be way up there) reminds me of scenes from the Wizard of Oz. Can't wait to walk down that walk to go into the Vandy game!

Enjoy the images. I'm holding them at a dozen tonight, but may build another album to link in the AM news.

Hope you guys appreciate the fact I've sacrificed a beautiful day at the lake to capture the sod images in a timely manner.
Re: Gtimer\'s Sod day photos of BDS excellent quality (LINK)

Goldtimer I appreciate the pictures... THANX!!!
Re: Gtimer\'s Sod day photos of BDS excellent quality (LINK)

Goldtimer. Agree on Yellow Jacket Alley. They did a nice job on that sidewalk. That's a super pictures.
Re: Gtimer\'s Sod day photos of BDS excellent quality (LINK)

Thanks, Goldtimer. Kudos.
Re: Gtimer\'s Sod day photos of BDS excellent quality (LINK)

Great pics Gtimer. How did you get in the stadium. Did you use your press pass?

Also, thanks for help with the avatar. Conyers gave me a smaller one too.
Re: Gtimer\'s Sod day photos of BDS excellent quality (LINK)

defintely appreciate the pictures. thank you.
Re: Gtimer\'s Sod day photos of BDS excellent quality (LINK)

I know you're joking, RW1, but the SE gate was open, as well as the gate at North Avenue, so you can pull in and park then walk right in. (In fact, even if the gate is locked, you can step over the low metal fence.)

The other entrances were roped off.

Can't reveal how I got into the Moore Student Success Center to take the photos of the field through the glass, but it was nothing the investigator on Matlock couldn't have pulled off. ;-)

You're welcome on the avatar resizing.
Re: Gtimer\'s Sod day photos of BDS excellent quality (LINK)

well, when I was up there about 2 weeks ago on Sunday it was locked up tighter than... well you know. Didn't try North Ave side.
Re: Gtimer\'s Sod day photos of BDS excellent quality (LINK)

Thanks for the GREAT pics Goldtimer.... very much appreciated....
Re: Gtimer\'s Sod day photos of BDS excellent quality (LINK)


