Half uga 10 Nicholls 7

Just goes to show that we shouldn't take Mercer lightly. They could very well beat us.

....... Just kidding. öööö that. We're gonna cut the grass with Mercer. UGA and Clemons suck.
It just makes my blood boil that if we didn't have our head up our collective asses O
on offense last year we could easily be looking at 3 IAR. I always believe in Roofs ability to shut down a pro style running game.
Nicholls doesn't have the weapons or depth to pull it off, as embarrassing as this first half was.
10-10 Troy Clemson

D Wats just stuffed on 4th
Nicholls stuffing the run in first half and Quarterback Jesus not walking on water.
The Kirby Smart honeymoon may be coming to a pretty quick end if they continue to struggle like this.
Nicholls has no offense, which will thwart an upset, but hopefully this stays low scoring and close and you never know.