Half uga 10 Nicholls 7

Although Nicholls had it coming. Why would you take out your QB that just threw a TD to give you the lead?
**** those degenerate, redneck sacks of inbred @@@@. . @@@ them all year long. I don't them hate any more today than I did yesterday and I won't hate them any more a week from today, because it's impossible to hate them any more than I already do. The only way to alleviate this feeling is for the good Lord to enact Old Testament vegence upon them and turn Athens into Sodom and Gommorah. I pray for this daily.
Hug those dip (), (), in-bred, meth head manure hooks. I cannot stand their barking, "I'm better than you because I like a football team even though I bought my shirt at Wal-Mart and didn't go to UGA" attitude. I hate their manure "school". I hate that they are even allowed to be an accredited institution of higher learning. I've talked to graduates of UGA, I'm surprised they can find their butt with both hands. I've heard more prescient things said by 65-year old pregnant crack addicted hookers than the drivel that comes out of their mouths. I hate their attitude towards athletes. I hate that just because you can run fast with a ball you get a free ride at that cesspool while taking "Your butt or a hole in the ground: A comparative study" as a 4 hour credit course. I don't give a good (), hug you. Hug them and hug the entire hugging city of Athens, GA.
Hug those dip (), (), in-bred, meth head manure hooks. I cannot stand their barking, "I'm better than you because I like a football team even though I bought my shirt at Wal-Mart and didn't go to UGA" attitude. I hate their manure "school". I hate that they are even allowed to be an accredited institution of higher learning. I've talked to graduates of UGA, I'm surprised they can find their butt with both hands. I've heard more prescient things said by 65-year old pregnant crack addicted hookers than the drivel that comes out of their mouths. I hate their attitude towards athletes. I hate that just because you can run fast with a ball you get a free ride at that cesspool while taking "Your butt or a hole in the ground: A comparative study" as a 4 hour credit course. I don't give a good (), hug you. Hug them and hug the entire hugging city of Athens, GA.
Not sure "hug" means what you think it means.