Hall of Shame

Wow 75% of games at home. That’s like a Tech schedule in the 20’s.

Might want to check a lot of Dodds schedules. Almost 100% of his time he had Auburn and Clemson at home.

In 1952, I think he had 8 home games.
Might want to check a lot of Dodds schedules. Almost 100% of his time he had Auburn and Clemson at home.

In 1952, I think he had 8 home games.
He made a lot of people come to Grant Field. He and the B'ar were powerful back in the day. At one time, he was so dominant he made UGA come to Grant Field---for its home games. As the warm-up act before the Tech game. Kneel before Dodd.
Every time this thread bumps up, I read it as Hall of Shamire, the new reality show about our enormously powerful OL.