Halo Rule gone!!!


Flats Noob
Dec 15, 2001
If this is true I for one will be thrilled!!!
I thought that it was never enforced equally in all games and that it basically eliminated the fair catch... the coverage team must still provide opportunity to catch the ball...
Kelly Rhino took this rule and used it as a huge advantage which was good for us as TECH fans.
What I saw developing in the NCAA last season was coverage teams selling out early in the game... hitting the receiver and taking the penalty... because some returners like Rhino were averaging more than the 15 yard penalty... so in effect the rule that was put in place to 'protect' receivers was actually encouraging illegal hits and thus putting the receiver in a more vulnerable position... at least now if they don't put the arm in the air for a fair catch they will be more prepared to take the hit...
<does happy dance>

That needed doing bad. Hope springs eternal.