Has anyone decided to go the game?


Flats Noob
Nov 17, 2002
Odd as it sounds I had plans to be in SF till the 28th...I am trying to get an extension to stay for the game. Anyone else planning on heading west? Just curious...

sure wish there was a chartered "affordable" plane trip planned....trying to find any type of decent flights to the west coast is unBEElievable. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/soapbox.gif

We were planning a vacation out there soon...working on moving it up now to make the game...so we should be there.


no way. no how. Support the team, but I have no personal desire to spend hard earned money to deal with the hastle of flying out to gay land, sitting in an empty baseball stadium, watching us beat up a pitiful 6-5 Utah team, only to fly back and deal with long airport waits again. I'll opt for my warm fire, kids, and post-Christmas relaxtion. When (if) the team ever breaks out of mediocrity and goes to a real bowl vs a feild trip, I'll open my wallet.
I will support the kids, but no way am I going to contribute to the clough/braine all expense paid bath house tour.

I would rather take that money and give it to the players directly in a way that I know would not get us in trouble.

Finishing 3rd in the acc means nothing. A truly wuss conference with a scumbag commish.
Re: Boy this thread deteriated in quality quickly.

just FYI, theres a thread on the hive where people are working up the details of donating tickets to the various millitary installations around the SF bay area.
No can do. I actually made two trips out west this year, Phoenix in May and San Diego-to-Fresno in June. I'll be down in my basement den @ 4:30 pm tuned in to ESPN, but listening to Wes and Van Note on the call. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif

Those of you who will be making the trip have a safe one and root on the Jackets!

I'll throw in that, with the Sugar Bowl here in Atlanta for this one-year appearance, I was really considering getting a couple of tickets and going. I thought an LSU/Auburn match-up with a Penn State/Ohio State would be a great game. But of course now the whole experience has been ruined! So I'll just be staying home that night.
my wife and I will be there. fly in wednesday AM, Leave Friday nite. Should be a great time
why should it be a great game...seriously. Utah is not a good team. We seem to think we are so much better by boasting about our wins over Miami and Auburn...and now suddenly we are on par with Utah for a good game? It should be a quiet blowout.
1st I said it will be a great time. Also, the game might be great, don't know until its played. Utah has a history in the bowls and a pretty good offense. Personally I think we should handle them fairly easily if we show up to play.
my bad.. I read that as good game vs good time. You and your family should have ample room to stretch out. The concession stands will be snap. And no lines for the bathrooms..your wife will love that. I guess this bowl does have its advantages. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif Seriously, I hope you and your family have a good time.

Wish I could...bought 4 tickets and donated them to servicemen/women anyways though!

My dad and I might be going, as much as I don't want to support Clough and Braine(less). I have never been to San Fran Sissy, but I hear its nice. I really wanted to see my Jackets play one more game this year so I might pony us the money and go.

Still pissed off at how we got SCREWED by the acc and our moron of a AD, Braine(less).

Go Jackets, upend the Utes!!

Utah 10


the hastle of flying out to gay land,
GT ...Have you drove past Piedmont Park lately ?
Atlanta has to be SF south
I've got a free plane flight or two and family about 1 hour outside of San Fran... who knows.

Errr... This would be my 3rd California bowl game... Just not to the Rose Bowl this time... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
I\'m bringing the...

wife and the MiL. The AT points was a nice surprise.

Ain't that the truth? And, gay-land or not, San Francisco is one of the world's greatest cities. You can't beat the scenery and the food.