Has anyone decided to go the game?


Love to go, but tight budget this year. may try to go to the games around here over the break.

Aww come on ncjacket. You know by now that unless one can get a DIG in somewhere it is no fun posting ;)

As for me I don't go to GT games only if I think the opponent is a good one. I go to support the Jackets no matter who they are playing.

On the matter of it being a huge hastle to get out to the left coast, the expense, the inability to take time off, etc... I can completely understand that and don't fault anybody for not being willing to put up with any of those kinds of things. None of that makes anyone less of a fan than someone who is going to go out there.

Personally I try to go to every bowl game I can. Sometimes it isn't possible but I do it when I can to celebrate the season with my fellow Tech fans and the team.

I wish I could go, I would have made about anything on this side of the earth, but we are going to Wally World this year in Orlando for spring break and I'm figuring on $2k-3K for that. I hate that place. Too damn sterile for me.
I hope a cold rain falls in Nashville and Charlotte this bowl season.

I will be watching the game on my 82 inch screen (projector), 1000 watt surround sound. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif. Everybody should have one. I guess me buying stuff like that is how my wife gets to drag me to Disney.

AZjacket how bout you donate to two poor college students and fly my wife and I out there. I think its great that people are buying tix and donating them. Hope every1 that goes has fun and hopefully the team shows up.

I'd prefer to donate them to the military. won't mind giving a few to starving college student, but if they can afford to get out west they can afford a ticket. I am not a non-profit orgainization so no plane tickets to anyone.