Haven't seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.


Nov 19, 2001
Haven\'t seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.

What's going to happen Sat.?
Are we going to give the tiggers something to look at on D? Are we giving them something to thinks about game planning? Where do you think Bilbo will line up? Reading this I really like Bilbo's 'tude. We've got a week of practice, but I'm ready to get it on! Coach Gailey even closed these practices to the media.

Link to AJC article.. Bilbo
Re: Haven\'t seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.

my only comment on this is I am not sure how much I want to hang out my 2nd string qb.

1. what if he gets injured running a reverse that we have 3+ other people that could do the same thing

2. what can he do at another position that Logan could not do

3. This was one of my arguments with having Camp play big minutes. I think Bilbo should have been getting that playing time. He will be the starter one day. I appreciate Camp's hard work but Bilbo needs the minutes and I think that is what is best for the team

4. I think some of this is disinformation. I expect Bilbo to play qb and would surprised to see him play another position.
Re: Haven\'t seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.

Maybe this is proof that there is more to the playbook than what we've seen - I can't wait to see what we're going to throw at them Saturday.

I think it's great that we're adding Bilbo to the list of playmakers we already have on the field.
Re: Haven\'t seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.

Excellent points Lawbee... but I do think we are going to see both Bilbo and Suggs on the field at the same time... GTTerrific, I too am anxious to see what we will unveil on Sat... Satuday wont get here soon enough...
Re: Haven\'t seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.

I think that on Saturday, our offense's ability to move and score will rest on the shoulders of AJ Suggs (from a QB perspective). I don't expect Bilbo to have a large effect on the outcome. Maybe we'll bring in something we haven't done yet. But overall, Suggs will have to get the job done.

So will the OL.
Re: Haven\'t seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.

Great idea!!!! Give CU everything to think about and some!

Bilbo is going to be our QB down the road, he brings a lot to the table and the coaches know that. You can't sit someone who can do that for you now. I'm excited about seeing what they have in store for those tiggers!! He's got a gun for an arm and can only imagine some plays utilizing that without being the QB!!!!

The more playing time he gets, the more experienced he gets. I love this and can't wait to see it!
Re: Haven\'t seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.

I like MsTechAnalysis's 'tude along with Bilbo's.

Get'm Jackets!
Re: Haven\'t seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.

Interesting question about whether or not Bilbo should have said anything. He IS young and may have talked to the media out of turn, BUT he may have just been throwing out some misleading info to concern and confuse Clemson. We'll see.

I KNOW we're gonna see some new things this weekend against Clemson. Question is, can we execute them and make the most of our talents. This boys and girls is where the rubber hits the road!

We GOTTA win this pivotal game Saturday!

Re: Haven\'t seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.

This should get the Clemson coaches thinking.

Well (*&)(*&()*&( now we have to review GT last year under BOB, review the last two games which show us absolutely nothing, and all of CG's OC games for the last 5 years. GO SLASH BABY.

Sounds like someone is going to burn the midnight oil and have to make a swag.

Bilbo may not come in for a single play but the Clemson coaches have to be ready just in case.

Re: Haven\'t seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.

Originally posted by law_bee:
my only comment on this is I am not sure how much I want to hang out my 2nd string qb.

1. what if he gets injured running a reverse that we have 3+ other people that could do the same thing

2. what can he do at another position that Logan could not do

3. This was one of my arguments with having Camp play big minutes. I think Bilbo should have been getting that playing time. He will be the starter one day. I appreciate Camp's hard work but Bilbo needs the minutes and I think that is what is best for the team

4. I think some of this is disinformation. I expect Bilbo to play qb and would surprised to see him play another position.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">LB,
You make some good points but it is really not that big of a deal. We could do the same thing with Glover, Logan, or Smith at any time anyway.
Also, injuries can happen at any time, even stepping off the bus, so that shouldn't be too big of a factor.
The real question is why we didn't let Bilbo run the offense, instead of primarily just handing off up the middle. Really did him a disservice in his development. It is not the second team offenses job to hold the score down. It is to play the offense and get better.
Re: Haven\'t seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.

My biggest question is:

Why is Bilbo talking about this?

Is it a calculated move, something the coaches cooked up create doubt in the minds of the Clemson coaches and encourage them to chase shadows by spending preparation time on things we're not even going to do?

Or is it real? In that case isn't it almost certain that he's talking about it when he was supposed to keep quiet? There is a reason that practice is closed.
Re: Haven\'t seen this talked about here. RE: Bilbo against Clemson! AJC Article.

I think its mostly a bunch of talk. We may see Bilbo once or twice, but not much else. I think for now its a ruse to keep Clemson worried.