Help needed passing time until August 31st!

DSM Jacket

Varsity Lurker
Jul 8, 2002
Help Needed:
I am going crazy trying to pass my time waiting for football season to start up again. I have looked at every bit of CFB internet info I could find (including all of the posts on here and the hive), watched old games while drinking Jack-and-Cokes (which, by the way, doesn't hardly captivate that Fall, game-time feeling), and finally read every pre-season magazine I could get my hands on (all while pretending they actually meant something about the forth-coming season). So now I'm just getting to my ropes end waiting for the new season. What are some of you guy's pre-season, time wasting things to do. I need help here, real help!
I'm not crazy, just a die hard fan!
Buy a PS2 & NCAA2003 next week. Play the Yellow Jackets on dynasty. That helps me get through... plus my brother-in-law is die hard UGAg fan so we have some epic games.
Well, I suggest lots and lots of sex. Just bang away every night with that special someone. Or do a flavor of the day sort of thing if want. By late August my much better has had enough and doesn't bother me during football season. She may walk a little funny for a while but by Thanksgiving she'll be OK.

"Keep mama happy in June and July, and when football gets here it's your time." That's my philosophy and I'm sticking by it.
Excellent advice, J.T.
And, DSM, put Jim Beam or something in that Coke-save the Jack for sippin.

Originally posted by GT J.T.:
Well, I suggest lots and lots of sex. Just bang away every night with that special someone. Or do a flavor of the day sort of thing if want. By late August my much better has had enough and doesn't bother me during football season. She may walk a little funny for a while but by Thanksgiving she'll be OK.

"Keep mama happy in June and July, and when football gets here it's your time." That's my philosophy and I'm sticking by it.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">*laugh* JT gives good advice.

In addition to my husbandly duties, I'm laboring
my way through ballroom dance classes every week.
That should earn me ALOT of points and free passes
during football season.

1 2 3 cha cha cha...
Awesome advice, JT - everyone who can should follow it with a passion.

Some friends and I were going through the same thing last year, and since none of us are video-gamers, we decided to start our own version of fantasy football, based on college teams, not players. We spent the better part of June and July '01 trash talking and attempting to formulate strategy for team selection criteria, scoring rules, and the like. It was a great way to pass the dog days, and get ready for the season.

Over the season last year, we all found ourselves getting into games like never before. I can remember sitting at the South Carolina-Boise State game pulling for the Broncos to score late in the game just to keep the guy who picked South Carolina from getting bonus points for the win. Before, I never gave two thoughts to Boise State. I also found myself begging coaches on TV not to take a knee at the end of the game because it would result in a 2 yard rushing loss and might keep one of my teams from scoring in the offensive rushing category.

We are in the midst of preparing for year 2, and the fun is still there. Not quite the fun that JT is having, I'm sure, but it is a way to pass the summer before the first kickoff.

GO JACKETS!! (and in 2001, go Blazers, Longhorns, Tide, Pirates, Spartans, Rebels, Huskies, and Thundering Herd)