Help us test the Game Prediction program


The Dark Side of the Force
Oct 15, 2001
Please help us test the Game Prediction program by submitting your predictions for the listed games. The more people that help test it the better. As always thanks for your participation on Stingtalk.
How does that Game Prediction work? Did you program it yourself? Is it web based?

I maintain some other (lacrosse) web sites and would be interested in doing something similar for college lacrosse.

thanks for your help!
It is coded in Perl and was written from scratch by the Stingtalk programming team. It's an early product and we will continue to develop and enhance it in the upcoming months.
Do not be alarmed if your prediction disappears once or twice during our testing of the Game Predict program. As I said, we are still tweaking it and the program will continue to evolve right up until we start playing for real.
Have fun, and as always, Thanks for being a community member here at Stingtalk!
I love doing stuff like this, so I'm really looking forward to it.

I have a suggestion. How hard would it be for you to have all of the matchups on one page? It's kind of a pain to have to go through to each game individually and input the scores, and then go back and select another game. I think it would be more user friendly if all the games for each week were on one page. Since you're coding this yourself I don't know how hard that would be for you to do. If it isn't TOO hard I think that would make it even better.
This is going to be fun. Is there a way to sort by member, so we can maybe print out our own predictions? And who is doing the spreads?
Originally posted by bellyseries:
This is going to be fun. Is there a way to sort by member, so we can maybe print out our own predictions? And who is doing the spreads?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">The way I have been manipulating it is through word. I use office xp and it just grabs the page and then I can cut and paste. It is set up in a format that allows me to determine the point allocation, so I have to do it by game.

Just like what I said to adamni that is something we will probably look at in later versions.

I have not decided which spread I will use. It may be sargarins (usatoday). I think his is static and does not change. Regardless, our spread will NOT change. So it will be one of the early ones.

I will let everyone know which one I am using.
That's cool, no biggie. I thought it might be difficult to change it. I'm not a programmer, but from my limited experience that seems to me like something that wouldn't be easy to change.
Originally posted by GTadamni:
How hard would it be for you to have all of the matchups on one page?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Its a good suggestion. Remember that we are contiuing to evauluate and develop the prediction script so any suggestions are appreciated. Have Fun!