Ah, trying to sniff out a Bulldog in disguise, huh? Here are some questions that might help you expose their true allegiance:
1. Tech-Specific Knowledge
• “What’s your favorite memory from the Miracle on Techwood Drive?”
• “Who’s your all-time favorite Georgia Tech quarterback, and why?”
• “What’s your take on the Triple Option era? Love it or hate it?”
2. Campus Landmarks
• “Which building do you think has the best view of Bobby Dodd Stadium?”
• “What’s your go-to spot on Tech Green during Homecoming Week?”
3. Georgia Tech Culture
• “What’s your favorite song in the Tech band’s repertoire?”
• “If you were a Rat Cap tradition expert, how would you explain it to a non-Tech fan?”
4. The Rivalry Test
• “Can you tell me what Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate really means to you?”
• “Which game felt better to watch: the 2014 win in Athens or the 2016 OT game?”
• “Do you think To Hell with Georgia should be part of every fight song rendition, or just saved for rivalry week?”
5. Tech Trivia
• “What’s Buzz’s real name?”
• “Who were the Four Horsemen of Georgia Tech?”
• “What’s the origin of the Ramblin’ Wreck?”
A true Yellow Jacket will know these answers without hesitation, while a Dawg in sheep’s clothing might stumble or give themselves away with overly generic responses. Good luck hunting the impostor!