Hive gone down?


beware the zealot
Dec 17, 2001
Was trying to check them out and can't find the link to the message boards anymore.
I know you guys think this is hilarious, especially those who have been banned from there. But to tell you the truth there is very little difference between the two boards, except for the Insiders.
Eh, I really think there is some difference between the two - especially with recruiting info. Although they try and play it down, you feel like you are constantly getting the pitch to upgrade over there. They will stay away from a lot of topics on the main board because it is a "insiders only" discussion. Not the case over here.
I know you guys think this is hilarious, especially those who have been banned from there. But to tell you the truth there is very little difference between the two boards, except for the Insiders.

I disagree. This board is much prettier and it is filled with the finest people. :biggthumpup:
I know you guys think this is hilarious, especially those who have been banned from there. But to tell you the truth there is very little difference between the two boards, except for the Insiders.

No politics on the hive. Big difference there, not that I miss the inane discussions about which party screws its citizens less than the other one.
Personally I don't go to college message boards to talk about politics anyway.
I know you guys think this is hilarious, especially those who have been banned from there. But to tell you the truth there is very little difference between the two boards, except for the Insiders.
The fact that there are people posting here who have been banned there says that there clearly is a difference between the two.
Minus the humor.

I don't recall a lot of humor over there in the past year either. The sports boards were a wash of powdered donut residue and the off topic boards were mostly just liberal bashers and mods who'd ban you for saying "ass" in a response to a thread with a giant pick of a chick's sphincter covered by a piece of dental floss. Because, you know, we wouldn't want the children to see the word "ass."
I don't recall a lot of humor over there in the past year either. The sports boards were a wash of powdered donut residue and the off topic boards were mostly just liberal bashers and mods who'd ban you for saying "ass" in a response to a thread with a giant pick of a chick's sphincter covered by a piece of dental floss. Because, you know, we wouldn't want the children to see the word "ass."
It's true - it's not like it used to be (late 90's, early 00's) but there's still more humor there than here.

I never cared for the dental floss threads or the political threads so the changes there didn't have any impact on me. My only interests were GT, sports, and pop culture.
There's no humor on the Hive, unless rampant nerdery qualifies as humor in your book.
I never cared for the dental floss threads or the political threads so the changes there didn't have any impact on me.

Those threads would have been much better without the dental floss.

And as for protecting the children, they should use the proper terms such as fun bubbles and hamhocks.