Hive vs. Stingtalk vs. Buzzoff

Welcome to Stingtalk, Dressedcheeseside.

I think you'll like it here. For one, you can post whatever you want without fear of having it locked or being banned.

Worried about threads being hijacked? Pshaw! Just imagine you were at a cocktail party, talking with some friends about football. Some dude saunders up and says, "Hey. Check out the waitress with the nice rack!" Are you really going to give him an indignant glare and say, "I'm sorry, we were talking about football"?
Oh well, its free so who cares.

Doesn't anyone else get just a little annoyed when you open a thread expecting info on a stated topic and there's nothing but a bunch of little kids playing in a sand box?
Doesn't anyone else get just a little annoyed when you open a thread expecting info on a stated topic and there's nothing but a bunch of little kids playing in a sand box?

I hate it when I open a thread and all the boobs are posting, yet no one is posting boobs.
1. I never said I "disliked" any board.
Never said you disliked any board. Was referring to the fact that you hate the pissing matches between posters, which are often times about the boards.

2. I never tried to compare anything.
Hmm, I believe the title says it all. "Hive vs. Stingtalk vs. Buzzoff"

3. I said there was merit to all three boards. Before the coaching change, I'll admit, I couldn't stomach Buzzoff. But now its not so bad and there is occassionally some new info, like practice reports. The Hive, incidentally, currently has a great discussion of CPJ's lunch bunch and there's not a sniff about it anywhere else.
Can't disagree with you there. Never said I did. Although, I still can't stomach the thought of going to buzzoff, but that's fine. I am sure they could not possibly care less how I feel, and I am good with that.

4. Can anyone truthfully say Stingtalk doesn't have more highjackings and pissing contests? I even gave an example from page 1 of Stingtalk.
Can't disagree - although this does sound like another comparison. However, my point was that you starting a post like this was only inviting another pissing contest.

5. I actually like Stingtalk. During the coaching change, there was a lot of good inside info and speculation here and not much anywhere else.
We certainly agree on this.

Again, my point was that I feel you were inviting another one of the threads that you hated by even starting this one. I don't think anyone, well, except for a few maybe, actually like the pissing match threads. Most people I would wager are sick of them. They need to just die (the pissing matches that is)...
Oh well, its free so who cares.

Doesn't anyone else get just a little annoyed when you open a thread expecting info on a stated topic and there's nothing but a bunch of little kids playing in a sand box?

So let me get this straight...
We should start our own thread dedicated to the sandbox we don't enjoy reading and inviting everyone to come in and start throwing sand?

Makes sense. I love this concept.
the GT internet message board community is a lot like the high school cafeteria. You have the "popular kids'" table, the "church kids'" table, the "bad apples'" table and the "new kids'" table. You're typecast by where you sit rather than by who you are.

I'll just remember to wear these from now on over here.;)
(for those who don't get it, wading through the BS...)