Hollis goes after another Coach (LINK)


Nov 25, 2001

Hollis is as sorry a reporter as I have ever seen. He reminds me of the 1st Lt. that gets fragged.

It is getting so old.

what bother's me about this is that the school brought this out in the open and now he is just taking pot shots.

What an asshole.
I now go back to my earlier post about a program being out of control. Does Braine have control or not? His "leadership" sure doesn't look very good in the press.
I have to agree with you he Mac... I have posted twice already that I think Braine should have been closer to the situation... I am also going to cancel my subsription to the AJC... not that it will matter to them, but I have had enough of the amateurs they have reporting for them...
This time I think action needs to be taken. I'm as forgiving as they get, but this is simply getting out of hand. I refer you to this quote from the AJC article:

Robinson attempted to inform Tech officials of the discrepancies before the announcement of his hiring on Jan. 4, according to Tech director of communications Mike Stamus, who said Tuesday he failed to delete the information before it was released.

"I made the mistake of not verifying it thoroughly," Stamus said. "So we're going through the embarrassment of more inaccuracies in the bios."

In all the reported instances, involving O'Leary, Smith and now Robinson, the school's sports information department apparently took the biographical information from each coach's previous school at face value.

This is the first time I've read Stamus' name in the paper. I blame both of these screwups on him and him alone. If he had bothered to ask either Smith or Robinson about their backgrounds, this entire situation could have been avoided. At the very least, Stamus should be demoted from his position. At the very most, he should be fired. It is his carelessness that has put Tech in this mess. Yes, the coaches had false info from other schools in their past, but that is the fault of the SID's at those schools. Both Robinson and Smith tried to correct the errors at the other schools, but apparently could not. This is simply ridiculous now. I'm embarassed for Tech.
I am angry too and I feel that the GTAA has no checks and balances at present. Let DB speak. It is his show and he ,imo, needs to tell one and all how and why these problems occur with such frequency. This is depressing to read negatives every day when we should all be discussing new recurits and not bio's and resumes.

Let's get with the program DB.
Good grief. What's next? Are we gonna find out an assistant was once indicted for murder?....Obviously, DB needs to step up to the plate and straighten this mess out. He needs to implement a system of background checks and balances...and anyone who can't do their job needs to get canned. Here's an idea: If a coach tells you he didn't get a degree, DON'T PUT THAT DEGREE IN THE BIO. How hard can that be?

Oh well.
While I think Hollis and AJC suck in general, this needed to come out so WE know that the problem has not been fixed. I for one usually like DB (I backed him over the MacWorther thing), but this is just bad. GTAA knew everyone would be checking Tech's resume/bios more critically. I still remember hearing some AJC sports writer saying on the radio that Tech fans should be more than happy with the coverage we get since there are so many more UGA alums/fans in the Atlanta region. Funny, you think they would be interested in a school which happens to across the street from their offices nowadays (AJC has an office in the Biltmore, which is right across from Technology Square construction). Guys, bad news sells newspapers. I bet more people have read about this than the article on Isenhour. Maybe we need to hire a PR firm. AJC must already be on Gailey's bad side and we will probably see more crap about Tech.

Thats my rant for now.