How Can I Help GT Football?

I am going to games/trying to getting my friends to go early and wear gold. But I can only invest so much money - remember, broke college student here.

But what else can I do? Are there student advisory boards or meetings with members from the Athletic or Alumni Association that I can get involved in? What else can I do to meet other passionate Tech fans/broaden my reach outside my established, everyday social circle.

Build an Ironman suit.
Start a firm (I guess you Americans call it hooligan gang) called "Sons of Techwood". Go to each dorm two hours before kickoff, go room to room and grab every nerd sitting in there playing minecraft and tell them they need to be at the game. If they resist, have your guys rough them up a little bit, and tell them if they're back before the end of the game, more pain is coming. Then go to the library and start smashing laptops until everyone leaves to go to the game. Spare women and midgets.

This actually happened years ago except instead of minecraft it was Risk or D&D and instead of laptops it was books. I'm not sure the Sons of Techwood or Grumpy's Goons can be resurrected because those places don't exist anymore.
This actually happened years ago except instead of minecraft it was Risk or D&D and instead of laptops it was books. I'm not sure the Sons of Techwood or Grumpy's Goons can be resurrected because those places don't exist anymore.

Anything can be resurrected. Just ask @rosebud but he might ask for blood price.
Show up to as many games as you can
Give as much money as you can reasonably spare to the AA flagged for Football
Start a YouTube channel archiving the GT basketball games..
(Sorry shameless plug and I need help...)
There are two options for students to get tickets.

1 - Buy season tickets at $49 and get block seating (which also has it pains because some fraternities don't show up until after kick off since they are guaranteed a spot)
2 - Try to get a free ticket. A lot less popular because they have a limit of free students per game.

There's the problem. The school needs to bring back the old Student Athletic fee (that's what Coit is referring to) that gets you into all events, all sports, for the entire semester.

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