How has rain historically effected the option

It causes the ink on CPJ's play sheet to run. It does not affect CTR. It affects our left tackle who seems to wear tennis shoes instead of cleats. In the aftermath, bubble screens are unstoppable. It affects your mom, because she likes to go mudding.
His mother was a mudder?
His father was a mudder?
The thunderstorms got pushed back a little. Looks like they will start right before game-time and persist through the night. I am thinking definite delay and possible cancel. Can't we just play this thing Sunday?
The thunderstorms got pushed back a little. Looks like they will start right before game-time and persist through the night. I am thinking definite delay and possible cancel. Can't we just play this thing Sunday?
We should have cancelled it a week ago
Sadly i remember some rainy losses.

‘15 Miami was a rain loss. We fumbled like 7 times.

We beat FSU in a rain game the last time we played down there.

We lost to Duke at home a few years back in a rain delayed game. Felt like the delay killed our comeback momentum.

The BC game in Ireland was bad.

CPJ lost a game to either BC or NCSt while at Navy in a downpour.

Basically, it slows the outside run, so the option pitch and rocket toss become less effective. But on a decent field that drains, it doesn't matter. The Miami game was bad because of how fast it rained.
It always rains at the same speed, low football IQ.