How Many Saw All The Show On ESPN?

Big Buck

Flats Noob
Nov 21, 2001
According to the buildup before the show "Outside The Lines"from 7.00 to 8.00 pm Tech and Washington State was supposed to be featured on the methods used during summer wohrkouts. I missed the first 25minutes of the show and can't speak to what was shown then but they only mentioned Tech for about 20 seconds in the last 35 minutes of the show. They did indeed feature Washington State plus many other programs but only
showed a brief word from J.P. Foschi and A.j.
If anyone saw the entire show I would appreciate
hearing what they had to say about the Jackets.
I was disappointed that ESPN put a negative spin
on the off season workouts,however.
Tech was fine. They really went after Arizona, but for the most part, they just showed our players working out at Tech (indoors) and in the Georgia Dome. Got to see Gailey do a bit of coaching. Was acting more like a kindly uncle than a drill instructor. Suggs and Bilbo spoke a bit. I'm sorry I can't recap what was said, but I do know that while a number of schools got a bad rap out of this, I don't recall that being the case with GT at all. We were on for about 5 minutes or so. Lots of footage of Rhino doing lots of exercises. A good look at how athletic our guys really are.

The program will re-air on ESPN at 5 a.m. on Aug. 4 and at 4 p.m. on Aug. 27.
Conyers is right on. While the spin was negative it didn't seem so towards GT. Liked the shot of our players walking in dark going to work out (believe thats what they were doing). I kept getting phone calls during the show, so missed some small parts.

Showed some good looks at GT's small indoor field where they were doing drills.

JP is working on the stadium expansion project. They showed him at work in an interview. He gave a good brief decription showing drawings of the project.

Bilbo stated how little free time they have, but it wasn't negative. They all work very hard in trying to be the best.

Coach Mackavic at AZ admitted without knowing that he does bend the rules on getting a report from conditioning coach. He doesn't get the report during the summer, but does when they report. He felt that was ok, but they interviewed guy with NCAA and he showed the rules. Opps!

All in all I thought it was interesting. Like the young man who is at Washington State whoes brother past away at FSU during summer workouts. He is moving on. Have to hand it to that young man. His brother was a twin.

Sounds like they were going to try and get some of these "voluntary workouts" more undercontrol, the NCAA that is. There is something going to vote on it soon. Missed the date.
The only real problems I saw was the woman from a small no football school trying to get the rules changed for all the football schools. Why would the NCAA put a person woman or man on that type committe where football is not played or played at a low level be able to dictate rules to large football schools.

Thanks a bunch GTTerrific and Conyers Jacket. It makes me feel much better knowing that we got some
good coverage and i'm excited about the upcoming season. We are going to have a 9 win plus season,
I can feel it in my bones. Maybe it's arthritis I feel but I sincerely feel good about our future.
I have supported the Jackets since the mid-40's
but we are beginning to have some continuity like we haven't had since Coach Dodd retired and we have a chance to have something special and this old guy is excited. Lets all cheer the Jackets.
I saw the whole show and was disappointed at how little time Tech got. What was there was positive I thought, just not enough. Maybe that was the problem, we don't have a Heisman candidate QB (Wash State), run spring practice earlier than anyone else in the nation (Texas), have a coach who got caught with his foot in his mouth (AZ), or have the strength coach who invented summer workouts (Nebraska). Controversy sells you know.

All in all though I thought what they did show was great, including a lot of kids working hard in nice facilities. Rhino looked awsome by the way. For his size he really looks impressive. Bilbo, Suggs, Foschi and Muyres all handled themselves well.
agree. on the woman part. she was from depaul. does depaul have a division I football program? I do not see that bill having alot of legs.
Just seeing all of GT's players workout made me want to be there doing the same thing. If only I was sixty pounds heavier and 3 inches taller. Curse these genes. Made me miss the high school days. Only we had 3 a-days starting July 28 in South Mississippi. God that was that hot and humid. We got waterbreaks every 15-20 minutes. They were always real cautious, because at least 2 or 3 kids died down in either south Mississippi, Lousiana, or East Texas.
Showed a nice shot of Coach Mac and Coach O'Brien getting drenched with Gatorade by a large group of celebrating players after the magnificent win over the #9BCS Stanford Cardinal in the Seattle Bowl.
Hear me now, Chan the man will be gettin' alot of Gaterade drenchings from his players, soon.
"We got waterbreaks every 15-20 minutes."

We had a coach at Druid Hills named Whitey "Wander-Eye" Morrow (this is the '50s), who would not let us take water breaks, they would make us soft. Then, after practice, we could buy Pepsis. Coach Morrow also taught us to make free throws two-handed underhand. I bet we were the last in the country.
did anyone tape this show? I missed it and fail to pop a tape in the VCR yesterday. I'd like to see it myself.
I did tape it but it's being rerun on ESPN at least two more times. Check the tv listings on to figure out when. I think I remember one time being early in the morning.

Hope that helps.