

Varsity Lurker
Jul 11, 2002
Hi all, I just ran across this board a couple of nights ago, I wish I had found it a long time ago. It is great to have an active board where I can actually get an account. The Hive seems to have pretty much given up on giving out new accounts. GT deserves a board where new folks can get an account. Also love the format of this board. Very well organized.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello, I'm a 95' CS grad, looking forward to Gailey, Bosh, Jack, and Tarver, and TO HELL WITH GEORGIA!!!!
welcome aboard!

actually you are coming along at a good time we are in our 10th month and now starting to take off

Football season will drive the board!

Take the time to look at the FYI helpful hints(previous topic in the football forum) it will walk you through it

Make sure you sign up for the predictions when we get it ready, which will probably be 2 wks prior to college season.

This board has really picked up in the last week. That must mean football season is gettin' close.

Welcome to both you guys. Note where I'm located, FOBD. We see lots of dawg poop around here, don't we.
I'm new as well. Just wanted to get my first post out of the way.

Can't wait for both Football and Basketball to get here.

Go Jackets!