Hype Train Derailed

Hypertrain went so fast it entered another dimension. Hoping to return sometime this week.
How do all seven cars and the engine of a hype train jump the rails, sending passengers, luggage, laptops and more flying?

One possibility loomed over all others Sunday: speed.

Authorities haven't said what caused the derailment of the hype train in South Bend on Saturday afternoon, but Stingtalk had harsh words for the train's engineer.

"Clearly it was reckless in terms of the driving by the engineer. There's no way in the world he should have been going that fast into the curve,"

Preliminary data show the train's speed exceeded 100 mph before the derailment. That would be more than twice the 50 mph speed limit for the curve it was in.

"I don't know what was going on with him (the engineer). I don't know what was going on in the cab, but there's really no excuse that can be offered, literally, unless he had a heart attack," Stingtalk said.

Moral Victories board members immediately slammed Stingtalk's comments as inflammatory.

"You're not going to hear the Moral Victories board making comments like that. We want to get the facts before we start making judgments,"

The engineer operating the train applied full emergency brakes "just moments" before the train derailed, according to Stingtalk. The train was traveling about 106 mph as it headed into a left turn. The speed limit immediately before the curve was 80 mph.

An official with direct knowledge of the investigation earlier said that authorities were focusing on speed as a possible cause, given the angles of the wreckage and type of damage to the cars. The recorder, or "black box," discovered at the scene could be pivotal by showing just that, a former Moral Victories board official said.

A top Moral Victories board figure, who is now a butthurt analyst, predicted that a definitive conclusion could come soon.

"I'm afraid that this train might be going too fast for this turn," he said.

The chair of the Stingtalk investigatory committee has said only that his team will examine things such as the condition of the track and the train, how the signals operated and "human performance."

Even if it's determined the train was going too fast, that could be because of the engineer or a mechanical issue, such as faulty brakes.

"You have a lot of questions, we have a lot of questions. We intend to answer many of those questions in the next 24 to 48 hours."

Well, I was never on the "hype train" to start with having predicted an 8-4 record. It is hard to have a hype train when you lose players the caliber of Waller, Smelter, and Mason. There is no shame in losing to a team as well coached, well prepared, and chock full of talent as Notre Dame. Our guys showed character and had no quit in them. To me, that is more indicative of our team than the usual gnashing of teeth that goes on message boards. Next week is Duke. It will not be easy playing in good ole Wallace Wade but let's play ball and see what happens.
Don't feel like this deserves its own thread, so I think it will work here.

Any perceived Stingtalk meltdown after this game is baby town frolics compared to those that we've been through in the past. The discussion is downright rational compared to what I'm used to after a loss.
I am not going to lash out as hard as some other people, but to be frank . . . you are going to have a very difficult life if you do not learn to be emotionally tougher.

Nature was not fair to you and I am truly sorry about that, but you have got to put on some big girl panties now and learn it is just a freaking game. If you cannot handle this then you are going to really struggle with the other challenges you face.

I agree ! I'm not lashing out at him and we've all at times have wore our emotion's on our sleeves about one thing or another. Guilty ! But he's not the only person with there fair share of struggles and challenges..

I just don't post the things like some that wet the blanket here do. I just did :hsughcry:
I'm still on the hype train. I don't think that Tech will play too many good teams from here on out. Only UGAg, FSU, and Clemson are more talented than Tech and I doubt that Tech will lose 2 of those.
Not as bad as losing to Puke and UNC last year. I'm bummed but not suicidal over it.

Look around college football so far this year - this loss to ND isn't even on anybody's radar of tough losses or inexplicable meltdowns or crashing back to earth. I don't have to look too hard to see a lot of programs scratching their heads a lot harder than we are.

A good buddy is a USCw fan - they were #8-ish and got curb stomped by a team that lost to Northwestern. If this is as bad as its going to get this year, I'll be happy in Dec. Its not like Clemson or F$U set the world on fire this week.
Its not like Clemson or F$U set the world on fire this week.

They sure didn't, but I'm wondering if they had a bad week of football and managed to overcome it anyway. We always seem to have one WTF game and hopefully, we saw it in South Bend.