I Need Help....


Damn Good Rat
Dec 2, 2001
I've had the same dilemma with SWMBO ever since we first met (in '94). She doesn't enjoy tailgating. So, I rarely get to tailgate. We've argued about it so much over the years. I prefer to get to the campus early (at least 4 hours before kickoff...I know that's later than many, but it's the best I can do)and enjoy the nice weather and eat,drink and be merry. She, OTOH, prefers to just show up 1 hour before kickoff. She wants to scramble for a parking space and then walk into the stadium barely in time for kickoff. Her idea of compromising is for us to get on campus 2 hours before kickoff.

The only time I ever get to tailgate is when we have friends or family with us. If it's just me and her, forget it.

Is there any advice anyone wants to offer here?
yeah... crank up the car and go when you want to.. if she wants to come along she will get in the car too... if not, she can either stay at home, or meet you there... LOL...if it were every Saturday, that would be one thing, but you are only talking about a handful of Saturdays out of the year...
My wife has yet to attend a GT game. And I would not have it any other way.

I have been married for over 8 years and my recipe for success is have some individual interests.

It is great when husband and wife can do the same thing, but it is also great when you can hang out with your friends alone.
I know what you mean Law... my wife comes from a family of UGA athletes... she is a huge GA fan... she only cares about going to BDS when the Dawgs are there too....
Just try to remember the advice from this old adage:

"You never argue with a woman....you dicker !!!
Originally posted by beeware:
Just try to remember the advice from this old adage:

"You never argue with a woman....you dicker !!!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I like that Beeware ... thats one I will have to write down...
Thanks for the response, guys. I can see you're in my corner on this deal. I like Law's suggestion and I've done that a few times. Might have to do it more.
"I've had the same dilemma with SWMBO ever since we first met (in '94). She doesn't enjoy tailgating. So, I rarely get to tailgate. "

Bug, there are so may jokes here I don't know where to start.
I used to have the same issue. My girlfriend didn't really care much for football games. She didn't stop me from going, but she'd only want to come to 1-2 games a year. When we did go, we'd get there an hour before the game and head straight into the stadium.

Then I pulled together a group of friends for a game and convinced them that we could make a party of it by getting there early, grilling out, and drinking beer before the game. The girlfriends/wives realized they could hang out together and not have to talk football for several hours, plus they could make good side dishes and share them with everyone.

Everyone is happy now, and my now-wife loves going to GT games. She even wears white and gold now. The first game I took her to, she was wearing red and black. But that's another story....
Originally posted by SuperToe:
I used to have the same issue. My girlfriend didn't really care much for football games. She didn't stop me from going, but she'd only want to come to 1-2 games a year. When we did go, we'd get there an hour before the game and head straight into the stadium.

Then I pulled together a group of friends for a game and convinced them that we could make a party of it by getting there early, grilling out, and drinking beer before the game. The girlfriends/wives realized they could hang out together and not have to talk football for several hours, plus they could make good side dishes and share them with everyone.

Everyone is happy now, and my now-wife loves going to GT games. She even wears white and gold now. The first game I took her to, she was wearing red and black. But that's another story....
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Your wife cooks?
I see no problem. Each of you are individuals who happen to love each other and married. That does not mean each of you has to like the same things.

I grew up loving and playing the major sports, but my wife hates all sports. It would be selfish of me to insist she attend the games because I love the games. She attends occasionally, but mostly when it is an away game. She enjoys the trips, but not the games.

I respect her rights to her likes and dislikes and she respects mine. I can go to any game I choose as long as she is not required to go. she can go shopping any time she wants as long as I don't have to go. However, I go shopping with her on occasion, and she occasionally attends a game with me.

Many womem who have birthed children can not tolerate much drinking of liquids of any kind without being inconvenienced. They some times try to avoid those situations. It is very hard for many women to sit through a game without being inconvenienced.

Originally posted by bellyseries:
"I've had the same dilemma with SWMBO ever since we first met (in '94). She doesn't enjoy tailgating. So, I rarely get to tailgate. "

Bug, there are so may jokes here I don't know where to start.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">All right. Let's keep it clean.
Hi bugboy! This is Axe's fiancee. Here is my advice (from a woman's perspective). In all of the arguing you two have done, have you found out why she doesn't like to tailgate? Is is that when you get there, you go off and hang out with the guys and she doesn't have any other "girls" to hang out with? My advice is try to find a couple or two to tailgate with. If you know the hubbys and she doesnt know the wives, try a little backyard bbq pre-season so she can get to know them out of the context of football. Then, if things go well, you all can plan to tailgate together (compromise) 2 hours before the game...and then maybe, hopefully, slowly you can increase your hours to the standard four because SHE is having fun too.

Axe and I will be in the Student Center Lots this year - maybe we'll see both you and your "SWMBO" sometime!

BS (Psych) '95
Axe's Fiancee,

Haven't you read anything on this board? That was way to well thought out. Makes too much sense. He He.

Truly that is a great perspective. Thanks for sharing with us!
Originally posted by Axe:
Hi bugboy! This is Axe's fiancee. Here is my advice (from a woman's perspective). In all of the arguing you two have done, have you found out why she doesn't like to tailgate? Is is that when you get there, you go off and hang out with the guys and she doesn't have any other "girls" to hang out with? My advice is try to find a couple or two to tailgate with. If you know the hubbys and she doesnt know the wives, try a little backyard bbq pre-season so she can get to know them out of the context of football. Then, if things go well, you all can plan to tailgate together (compromise) 2 hours before the game...and then maybe, hopefully, slowly you can increase your hours to the standard four because SHE is having fun too.

Axe and I will be in the Student Center Lots this year - maybe we'll see both you and your "SWMBO" sometime!

BS (Psych) '95
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">If you 'axe' me, Axe is lucky to have you.
Good luck to you both.
Axe's Fiance,

Thanx fer the advice about tailgating with other couples. I've tried that before and it works to a point. She prefers to tailgate when she has other friends around (and that's fine with me), but she doesn't really enjoy it. When we go to Clemson, she prefers to roam around TigerTown and shop while I tailgate.

Anyway, we might try to slide over to your area before some games and meet you guys/gals.

Congrats on your impending nuptials.
Originally posted by beeware:
If you 'axe' me, Axe is lucky to have you.
Good luck to you both.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I MOST CERTAINLY am!!!
Originally posted by Axe:
Hi bugboy! This is Axe's fiancee. Here is my advice (from a woman's perspective). In all of the arguing you two have done, have you found out why she doesn't like to tailgate? Is is that when you get there, you go off and hang out with the guys and she doesn't have any other "girls" to hang out with? My advice is try to find a couple or two to tailgate with. If you know the hubbys and she doesnt know the wives, try a little backyard bbq pre-season so she can get to know them out of the context of football. Then, if things go well, you all can plan to tailgate together (compromise) 2 hours before the game...and then maybe, hopefully, slowly you can increase your hours to the standard four because SHE is having fun too.

Axe and I will be in the Student Center Lots this year - maybe we'll see both you and your "SWMBO" sometime!

BS (Psych) '95
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Excellent advice.

My SWMBO loves football and enjoys tailgating
but not to the degree I do. She has more fun when
there are more women around. As a result, we get
there earlier when we know we're meeting people
and later when its just us two.

I've bounced a few emails back and forth with Axe
and GoldenTornado and have also requested two of
the parking passes for the Student Center lots
this coming season.

It looks like there will be several of us in the
Student Center area. Maybe if we can get the
ladies together they'll let us tailgate earlier
and longer? =]