I think Notre Dame fans are reading Stingtalk.

Actually both Mass and Pope are correctly capitalized unless you are referring to f=ma.

When refering to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it's capitalized. When referring to the pope, it's lowercase unless it's being used as a part of a title, e.g. The pope said that Pope John Paul II was the second longest serving pope of the modern era.
When refering to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it's capitalized. When referring to the pope, it's lowercase unless it's being used as a part of a title, e.g. The pope said that Pope John Paul II was the second longest serving pope of the modern era.

You're using the protestant rules of capitalization vs. the Catholic Rules. We capitalize what we think needs to be. Catholicism rules..I mean Rules.
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When refering to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it's capitalized. When referring to the pope, it's lowercase unless it's being used as a part of a title, e.g. The pope said that Pope John Paul II was the second longest serving pope of the modern era.

Thank you for clearing that up! :thumb: