Idiot On The Hive Ready To Drop UGA....

Re: Listen you Punk

Like it or not, but nationally our game doesn't rank anymore (this is where the local UGA politicians, etc. are blowing it IMO).

[/ QUOTE ]

Where do you get that?

ABC chose to put GT-UGA on as a national broadcast with a few select markets getting ND vs. Stanford. That is a private profit-seeking enterprise making a business decision that this year's GT vs. UGA match-up had the biggest national draw of games available to ABC this past weekend. (Of course, maybe ABC's broadcasting choices were Mickey Mouse decisions. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif )

Thus, of the games available to ABC for national broadcast just this past weekend, GT vs. UGA ranked No. 1. As a result, we played at 8 PM instead of in the afternoon.
Re: Listen you Punk

I think all the conferences should go to a ten game conference schedule(PAC 10 & BIG East just play all members) now that the twelve game regular season starts next year. No sense playing four OOC games each year and not playing your conf. rivals.

Dropping the Auburn and Tenn. series in 1987 was the biggest mistake for GT since leaving the SEC in 1963.

I say open with Auburn every year, play a ten game ACC slate, and end with UGAg every year for the perfect twelve game season. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggthumpup.gif

Re: Listen you Punk

I think we dropped Tennessee after 1985. I know we tied them in '85, and we did not play them in '87 when I was a freshman. Without looking up the information, I am pretty sure that we did not play UT in 1986.

Too bad we did not have the Vols on the schedule this year, and Vandy with Cutler at QB would have been a tougher team than UT in 2005.
Re: Listen you Punk

Like it or not, but nationally our game doesn't rank anymore (this is where the local UGA politicians, etc. are blowing it IMO).

[/ QUOTE ]

Where do you get that?

ABC chose to put GT-UGA on as a national broadcast with a few select markets getting ND vs. Stanford. That is a private profit-seeking enterprise making a business decision that this year's GT vs. UGA match-up had the biggest national draw of games available to ABC this past weekend. (Of course, maybe ABC's broadcasting choices were Mickey Mouse decisions. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif )

Thus, of the games available to ABC for national broadcast just this past weekend, GT vs. UGA ranked No. 1. As a result, we played at 8 PM instead of in the afternoon.

[/ QUOTE ]
You might want to check the broadcast map over at the Blog Terminus. Our game went to about 6-7 states (GA, FL, MS, AL, Carolinas, TN) in the Southeast and the rest had to get it on GamePlan with ND/Stanford on their local ABC. Unless I'm reading the map wrong, ND/Stan went out to the larger audience.
Re: Listen you Punk

OK, assume for the the purposes of argument that you are correct.

At worst, we were ABC's No. 2 choice, which would still be considered a pretty high TV ranking.
Re: I don\'t understand the anger about moving the game

This year was weird because of the Miami game being moved; but remember UGA used to play UF, AU, then GT for last 3 games. That changed about 10 years ago. They have put a normally weaker team in ahead of Tech game. I remember when this was done mentioning it was a rough 3 game schedule. Putting a "easier" game during this part of the season has probably helped them.
We were barely regional. You couldn\'t even get us

in most of South Carolina over Notre Dame in an obvious blowout game.

So we can pretend that we are this big important national game or we can admit that they beat us 70%+ of the time and it doesn't matter to many people outside of the state.

We are in the class of the Clemson/USCe matchup or the VT/UVA matchup. Not exactly Ohio State vs Michigan or Oklahoma vs Texas.

Look at it this way... was the Auburn game, at the beginning of this season, a bigger game nationally?

I'm not sure UGA Boise wasn't a bigger national game!
Re: Listen you Punk

ABC's #2 out of 2 games available doesn't mean a whole lot.

We have not been the premo national game for a long time. Like it or not, but UF-FSU, AU-AL, MI-OSU and all the other nationally renowned late season rivalries have blown right past us in the importance race. Ours was once considered big but now we generally fall into the Clemson-SC and Ole Miss-MSU consideration.
Re: Listen you Punk

Well you've convinced me. It is clear to me now just how poorly educated we Tech fans are on schedules and how they affect your hopes of winning the NC. It is also abundantly clear to me that Tech fans are no different than any other fan base in that they wear home team colored glasses but are blind as a bat underneath.

I'm with you now. The heck with Troy and Army, let's play only Alabama level teams and above OOC plus the ACC. That'll bring in Tech fans in swarms. Effective immediately I only care about the UGA game (except I want the rest to be against Top 25 teams so that they're most interesting)and it must be at the end of the year because it's always been that way (well you know since WWII or whatever). And truthfully I want us to be ranked #1 academically too, so let's require TWO full years of calculus for everyone.

Actually I always thought that calculus was a joke and very easy. Let's make it more interesting and require everyone to take Dynamics. We are Tech men remember and making it tough only makes us stronger in the end! In fact, I am quite insulted that our AD has only made the Tech job the third toughest in the country. Who does he think he is?

Now that we've set our goals and defined our resources, can we please discuss how we're going to get there.

1) Since UGA is the only game that matters and it must be at the end of the season, if I was the coach, I wouldn't play Henderson until the last game. In fact, I wouldn't risk a Honeycutt either.

2) I think the AA is doing a complete disservice for our athletes. We've spent $70M on stadium renovations that will not return us anything monetarily ever. So, we need to refocus our money on the 'Dynamics'. I say that we have a professor at practice discussing every moving body. After a poor pass, we shouldn't be talking about throwing a tight spiral to Bilbo's outside shoulder. We should be discussing angular acceleration, gravitational affect, temperature, humidity and friction. And we need a Physiology professor from our new Biomedical Engineering department who can make sure our QB's know how the receiver's shoulder works to properly impact his decision making.

It's all clear to me now. I thought our coach did a fine job but actually he is a loser 4 times over. We could save $290,000 if we dropped ten scholarships since we are Tech and what makes us work harder makes us stronger. Oh wait, that's one thing we did get right.
Sounds like a bunch on excuses

Give me a break, it's a tradition that has played 100 times and should continue for 100 more.
It\'s a tradition to play on Saturday,

yet we started moving one game a year to Thursday. LOTS of fans complained.

BUT it was best for the program. It gives us NATIONAL coverage. Few people would disagree now.

If we move the game to the beginning of the season, there would be much more NATIONAL hype for our regional game. If that doesn't happen we can move it back.

And you are wrong about the 100 years. The game was originally played earlier. If it was good enough for Heisman it's good enough for me.