If Reggie Ball starts one more game for GT...


Mediocre Poster
Jul 24, 2002
Gailey needs to go find a new job. Why have a back-up QB? If the Running back fumbled the ball and couldn't run it would you keep playing him?

Does Reggie have naked pictures of Mrs. Gailey? What the hell is up with the coaches not benching Ball? It makes no damn sense whatsoever.
How can you know for sure that through what they watch at practice, spring training, and such, they know that if they put Taylor Bennett in and sat Reggie, that we'd be 6-6, 7-5, or worse?

The coaches job is to put our best chance to win in the game. They have done that. The fact that we didn't win doesn't mean that another option would have been better.
Dude,you are probably right but wasting..

your breathe. This will not happen but we have only 2 more games to make it through with this kid as our qb.
The talk of firing Chan is not completely insane. 6 straight losses to UGAg (5 under him) is just not acceptable. I'm not saying fire the man but jeez, someone has to be accountable for the fiasco against UGA. Does it even make sense to play them anymore? This loss really deflates my interest in the ACC championship game.

Also, regarding R***** B***, do you really think he will be mentally up for the challenge of playing next week? Why not start Bennett?
The Jacket said:
How can you know for sure that through what they watch at practice, spring training, and such, they know that if they put Taylor Bennett in and sat Reggie, that we'd be 6-6, 7-5, or worse?

The coaches job is to put our best chance to win in the game. They have done that. The fact that we didn't win doesn't mean that another option would have been better.

Dude, what I do know is that when RB was 5-19 with 1 INT, I think I would have played the back-up to see if he could do better. Instead Reggie went 1-3 with another INT.
D-Rad needs to get in Gailey's ear and say "What the F*ck kind of performance was that!!!?? What the hell were you thinking keeping that total catastrophy in the game?
no way chan was going to bench him, he is too loyal, but f-ing a, if reggie wants to play like a linebacker, play him at linebacker.


i haven't been this angy since 1997
Could not agree more. Reggie Ball's performance today should earn him a spot on the bench before he causes more embarrassment to himself and this program.
Chan gailey needs to think about his verbal commitments for '07 at this point. Playing Reggie Ball at starting qb the last 4 years thru hell and high water, with better talent on the bench will raise more than a few questions from kids that want to compete fairly for a starting job.

There is no way that this Ga Tech team loses to georgia this year if Chan Gailey had played Taylor Bennett.
Just remove RB's selfish and stoopid plays and we win by 10.
BarrelORum said:
Dude, what I do know is that when RB was 5-19 with 1 INT, I think I would have played the back-up to see if he could do better. Instead Reggie went 1-3 with another INT.
Again, I'd like to know what makes you know that Taylor would have been a better "chance" for us to win than Reggie? His performance against Duke?
BarrelORum said:
Dude, what I do know is that when RB was 5-19 with 1 INT, I think I would have played the back-up to see if he could do better. Instead Reggie went 1-3 with another INT.

Get real BOR, short of an injury, you wouldn't have put in a relatively inexperienced backup who hadn't seen any action today for the final drive.

CCG has been very consistent for the past 4 years regarding Reggie's playing time. Today, and rightly so, he followed that same game day strategy.

I think if he had set a pattern of pulling him early in Reggie's career, then it would have been appropriate today. But it would have made no sense today after 4 years of handling him a certain way.

Please note I am not saying I agree with how CCG has handled RB, because I don't. But for today only, it wouldn't have made sense to change it.
Like I said... when what you got CLEARLY isn't working are you so stupid to keep sticking your hand in the fire expecting a different result? I'm not. Play the God Damn back-up.
The coaches job is to put our best chance to win in the game.

It's also the coaches responsibility to find good talent for the QB position in order to ultimately put us into a position to win. If they are recruiting QBs that are incapable of stepping in at any time during the season, we have a major problem that needs to be addressed very quickly. With the potential for injury being pretty significant, relying on a single talented QB to get us through the entire season is taking a lot of chances.
It worked 9 times this year so far and came up just short twice. "It" could result in a conference championship game next week and send us to a BCS bowl.

Like I said, they play our best chance to win. You have no reason to believe that they were idiotically keeping a better option on the sideline because of stubbornness.
The Jacket said:
It worked 9 times this year so far and came up just short twice. "It" could result in a conference championship game next week and send us to a BCS bowl.

Like I said, they play our best chance to win. You have no reason to believe that they were idiotically keeping a better option on the sideline because of stubbornness.

So what you are saying is 45% completion percentage and 6-22 passing with 3 turnovers is our best chance? How would you know if you are too scared to find out what the other guy can do? Are you saying we shouldn't even have put Bennett in the game for a series to see what he could do? If you are, you are clearly the dumbest fan I know.
BarrelORum said:
So what you are saying is 45% completion percentage and 6-22 passing with 3 turnovers is our best chance? How would you know if you are too scared to find out what the other guy can do? Are you saying we shouldn't even have put Bennett in the game for a series to see what he could do? If you are, you are clearly the dumbest fan I know.
Now you've hit the panic button. Honestly, now. You can propose that Reggie may have given the game away intentionally, but when someone shoots down the idea of putting an inexperienced Sophomore in over a Senior who has at least kept us with a possibility to win the game, then that person is the "dumb" one?

You've failed logic in a manner no player could ever fail at football, even if they threw the game.
Clearly you are too stupid or stubborn to gather my point. I made the suggestion that he threw the game, because if people can even reason that, then there is no way we should be playing a guy even if he's a senior and play the inexperienced sophmore. To date, you have yet to give a soild reason as to why playing Ball was our best option, but you keep trying. To argue that it was right to keep Ball in the game is assinine at best and at worst, totally retarded.

You have no arguement.
BarrelORum said:
Clearly you are too stupid or stubborn to gather my point. I made the suggestion that he threw the game, because if people can even reason that, then there is no way we should be playing a guy even if he's a senior and play the inexperienced sophmore. To date, you have yet to give a soild reason as to why playing Ball was our best option, but you keep trying. To argue that it was right to keep Ball in the game is assinine at best and at worst, totally retarded.

You have no arguement.
The reason is that he is in the game as the best chance to win. Again, your "argument" fails because the burden of proof still rests with you as to why someone else deserves to start in front of him. Unfortunately for you "anything wuld b better than this" doesn't count as a sound argument.

I'm well aware of your intentions - you're just not succeeding in making it work.
The Jacket said:
The reason is that he is in the game as the best chance to win. Again, your "argument" fails because the burden of proof still rests with you as to why someone else deserves to start in front of him. Unfortunately for you "anything wuld b better than this" doesn't count as a sound argument.

You've structured the argument so that he can't win. By your definition the coaches always play the players that give us the best chance to win so according to your definition you 'win' since Reggie continues to play.

By any definition it is an indictment on our coaching staff if we don't have anyone better.
So your reasoning is that SINCE Ball was playing in the game that he MUST give us our best option at QB? Even after he was 5-19 one fumble and one INT? Ok sure... that logic bought us an another 1-3 performance with an INT to boot.

I'm sure though had Bennett seen anytime whatsoever that he would have gone 0-8 with 8 INT's returned for TDs.
BarrelORum said:
So your reasoning is that SINCE Ball was playing in the game that he MUST give us our best option at QB?.

That is EXACTLY what he continues to argue. it is a child of the 'coaches know much more than us fans' logic.