If we win, should we not rush the field due to dismal season?


Varsity Lurker
Jan 5, 2009
It has been a given that the next time we beat uga at BDS, we are rushing the field. However, this season has been dismal beyond belief.
So should we run around on the field taunting their players like vs FSU, or just exit the stadium in an orderly manner expressing our unhappiness about the season?
I think we should rush the field even if we lose to celebrate the end of the 2015 season.
We should rush the field after every game. Pull a Clemson
Oregon lets their fans on the field after every game, FWIW
one field rushing per season, max, and we already used ours.
There are other games to watch that night too.
If we win, I might set something on fire. I'm 0-11 in UGA games I've attended.
It depends on how bad we beat them. If it's like 50-0, there's no excitement at the end of the game. Enjoyment yes, excitement no.
Is there anything that can be done to disrupt the almost yearly UGAg rip our hearts from our chests with some lucky play/call. The Bobo pick that was called a P.I. on us. The Reggie non fumble fumble. The at the half defensive P.I. on us that was really an offensive P.I. when Stafford was at our place....on....and....on....

Someone needs to streak the field at a critical time for UGAg
We definitely should rush the field with a win over the mutts, and I'm going to bring a nerf football and we can throw it around and act out amazing end zone catches and dances!