Was listening to Chuck and Chernoff on the way home from work for about 5 minutes before I had to get on the phone.
Chernoff brought up an interesting point that Chuck, in usual fashion, couldn't comprehend and made ritard replies to.
Chernoff suggested 2 things:
1) There should be way more talk about GT football than UGA football based on recent performance, but knows that that will never happen in Atlanta because of UGA's much larger fan base. Knows that his station is guilty of it, but appeasing UGA fans pay the bills, losing GT fans won't affect them. Chuck was a tard and kept saying "performance on the field will make the media talk about you" Matt asked him why he won't talk about GT more than UGA then, Chuck eventually admitted that, "UGA fans pay the bills"
2) Matt said he wishes GT basketball would be a much bigger story, but because of #1, no one cares. Said he could spend an hour talking about how excited he is about GT hoops and its direction but knows that most listeners would change stations.
Anyways, kind of refreshing to hear, and I agree 100%. Doesn't bother me that UGA gets the majority of air time. I turn on my music when they do. Also solidifies my view that Chuck is a total tard.