Re: How can UGA\'s SAT scores go up?
Maryland is the 5th largest Tech alumni spot in the country. Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, NY, used to all send a lot of kids to Tech. Tech used to be the #1 value education in the country, but not anymore.
Hope changed all that. Tech is not cheap at all for an out of state student. I know a senior in high school who has a 800 Math, 730 Writing and 700 Reading, basically maxed out his AP tests as a Junior and is taking a VERY tough load of courses his senior year. Since he is not a Presidential Scholar he won't be getting any money from Tech.
This kid is looking at every Top school in the country. Tech is by far the most expensive NET cost. That includes Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, MIT....It really isn't close.
Tech's rise is being challenged by a few issues, the biggest is money. Tech has one of the top five best alumni giving in the country, but one of the lowest available money to give to students. Why? Because we're effectively funding UGA.
Tech's rise will also be stopped because of its curriculum. I was just talking last night with a higher up at UMBC, where he admitted to me was following Tech's model to rise in the rankings. He told me that UMBC is stuck in 2nd/3rd tier for one big reason: dropout. They are only engineering and the kids have no place to go when they discover that that isn't the right spot. There is no MGMT, Communication/Marketing, Accounting...
Well we have some of that but the second issue he stated was diversity in curriculum. Man, they really did follow Tech's model. Now this school, unknown to most of you, sent more kids to Harvard Medical School last year than any other school in the country! Meanwhile the Board of Regents does not help us in any easy way. I'd love to combine with Emory and take on the world without the state's help.
Unencumbered and with or without Emory, I do believe we'd be Top Ten in the next 100 years.
By the way, let me add:
Tech wanted that land by North Avenue. Atlanta wanted homes. I'd bet you that every bit of land provided to Tech would increase the Atlanta/Georgia coffers by X amount, but we put in more homes. There is no teamwork within the state, at least that I can see from afar.