Interesting Christmas party conversation *DELETED*

I hear you on rising out of state tuition

When I came to Tech (4.5 years ago), out of state tuition was
$4,448.00 on top of the around $1300 for in-state tuition. That includes a $1000 increase in tuition after I had signed on the dotted line. Now, out of state tuition is $7,171.00 on top of $1800 for instate. And there is almost no aid for good students besides the PS, that you earn before you come to Tech. Its pretty outrageous that my tuition has almost doubled since I came to Tech.

Last year they (meaning Sonny Perdue) tried to raise tution for spring semester. People on need-based aid cannot get more money at that point. Education is getting to the point that you have to be wealthy to get an education. I did a calculation in my Engineering Economics course where we calculated what the price of an education would cost if tuition costs increased at the same rate as they are currently. It would be somewhere around $1,000,000 for the education in around 20-30 years. That is insane. We need to figure out how to get this back undercontrol.
Re: How can UGA\'s SAT scores go up?

I'm ambivalent on this one. I was an out-of-state student, so I sympathize on the out-of-state tuition. On the other hand, now that I've been paying taxes in Georgia for 20 years and have 3 kids, my primary concern is taking care of the in-state students. It's tough to justify subsidizing the college expenses of kids from other states.
Re: I hear you on rising out of state tuition

our state gov't is being run horribly right now. I won't blame it all on the govenor, though he is one of the most pandering officials ever (right up there with that jerkass senator from Alaska, wow, what a bastard), but he gets a lot of it.

For some reason everything possible is being done to kill some of our programs. Co-op is dying because of the semester shift, and its finally starting to show in a big way. Its becoming almost unrealistic to take courses during the summer if you're above sophomore level because so few major specific classes can be offered, etc.

Part of me thinks that if anywhere could do it, Georgia would be the state that good sense libertarians, or dixiecrats (our last real 3rd party that kept things in line) could get back to power and turn the state around, but then I see us electing people like McKenny and Purdue and just shake my head... maybe one day, maybe.
Re: How can UGA\'s SAT scores go up?

Well for years Tech was outrageously underpriced for out of state tuition. I mean, look it costs 15K/year for a Ga kid to go to Auburn. I assume the 7.7K figure above is per semester but its still competitive with my experience. Anybody know what Climpsum is for out of state? Bottom line is that education costs are escalating beyond reason and the Hope has been a big player for that in this state. As I stated elsewhere recently, when I was in school the profs drove used toyota station wagons, now they drive new Beemers and Volvos. Professor pay now is over $100K for tenured professors. You can find it on the websites. From my recollection PhD grads made more going into industry than teaching in the old days.

"Higher" education is becoming a joke/travesty in this country. Anyone see the front page story in Business Week a few weeks ago focusing on the "thirty and broke" masses in our country now. The middle class is disappearing in our country. Students graduating with $50K student loan debts.

As our manufacturing industry base shrinks year after year, but our governmental/quasi-governmental institutions continue to grow and spend excessively, the whole economy begins to creak like a huge redwood whose base is slowly eaten away by termites. "TIMBER".
Re: How can UGA\'s SAT scores go up?

Well I can testify that out of state, full cost (room and board, etc.) at U of MD is right about $25,000. At Tech is closer to $28,000
Well, not to rain on your parade...

but I would like to plop down an anecdote that I hope some young people will take to heart.

I was an excellent student and graduated from GT with a 3.4. I have done very well for myself IMHO and even have a Masters from UVA in Systems Engineering (which I'm not really using). My sister was not as good of a student and she got ~ a 3.8 from UGA and a masters from Tennessee. My 29 year old brother (six years younger than me) probably makes as much as my sister and me combined.

He went to Penn. It cost him ~ 25 grand a year but the payback has been phenomenal. GT continues to get out of state students because it is still much less than MIT and in the same ballpark.

Now let me add that I have worked in Miss, Va, and Ga, travelled the world, and interviewed throughout the US and everywhere I go GT carries a lot of clout and is virtually guaranteed to get your foot in the door. NCSt and VT will not do that for you. If your son is sure he wants to stay in the area, the difference will be minimal, exactly as you say. But when applying for jobs in Texas, I contend that I'll be the one called back!

And lastly, lowering out of state tuition is a must for GT. The reason is it is a great investment. If only one out of ten top flight students stay the state will receive a payback on their 'investment' in no time flat. Low in state tuition 'recruits' top students from other states some of whom stay for good. Any idea that they should pay 100% of their tuition is short sighted at best.
Re: How can UGA\'s SAT scores go up?

How can UGA's SAT scores go up? By cheating of course!!!
Well, I\'m not going to convince anyone I\'ll bet,

but GT is still less than UMD and Harvard. If Harvard costs less than GT I need it explained since Harvard's tuition is 27,448 and the fees are 3,172 per year. (Housing is 9,260).

And that web site says GT's out of state tuition is less than Mds and the housing is less as well. But it is very close and that is bad.
Re: Well, I\'m not going to convince anyone I\'ll bet,

The net cost to the family is often less at a Harvard because their financial aid pool is so much larger.

My son received his early acceptance from GT, Georgetown, and Wake. He is a three sport athlete and ranked first in his class, 780 math. The final numbers are not in, of course, but financial aid offices at Wake and Georgetown are much more optimistic about aid packages than GT. (I wish alumni had some legacy benefit to reduce out of state costs.) The net cost for a good student atending Tech seems
to be higher than at other schools of comparable quality.

I think the analysis in this thread is right on target. One, the Hope Scholarship has changed things and GT is no longer needing as many top students from out of state. Two, this will make the future alumni base more provincial than the Tech we have known in the past. Three, in the long run this may be good for the state of Georgia and its residents, but it is not good for Georgia Tech.

The Hill is going to have to start using some of those healthy Roll Call funds for student aid to out of state students to keep its competitive image nationally.
Re: Well, I\'m not going to convince anyone I\'ll bet,

All I can tell you is what I'm paying at UMD and what Tech's estimates were for this year.
I am not trying to be so disagreeable LOL.

IMHO, there is a real problem when top private schools are less than public schools. The state somehow forgot that one of the main reasons Midtown is so thriving is because companies moved near technology park to take advantage of the R&D and the employee pool. The payback on the great out of state students that GT has had has been significant. It would take some dumb and cocky legislators to think that we can continue to excel with strictly in state students. And at only a 20% discount to Harvard or MIT (or less if 'needy'), we are in big trouble IMHO.

Of course we have no reason to believe that the SAT scores are declining or the quality of applicants is slipping despite the big price increases whereas the hill has the hard data. Playing the US News game we are better off using crazy tuition to get a 3-1 student-teacher ratio and lots of 'amenities' so we 'lose' less students.
Re: How can UGA\'s SAT scores go up?

You are way off on your costs. As someone who has out-of-state family that is making a choice between Yale, MIT, and GT, GT is by far the cheapest even with partial scholarships at MIT and Yale.What I assume you are referring to relates to financial aid, which, is largely determined by outside support and primarily endowments.

Yes, Yale is cheaper if you make under $40,000 (at that point it gets close to free), but understand, Yale's endowment is around 15 billion (including both of them). I believe Havahd is similar but with a larger endowment. When I applied it came down to Yale and Tech. Thanks to scholly's I got paid to go to Tech. But Yale would have been about $20 K a year w/financial aid. Tech was thus a better deal (yes, I was in state and benefited from more than Hope). Tech's combined endowments are about 1.2-1.5 billion. Emory has a 4.5-6 billion dollar endowment and tuition is far higher than Tech's.

For those in Virginia, could you comment on how UVA, William and Mary, and VPISU have benefitted (or not) from becoming charter Universities? Does anyone know how this has affected those schools well being?

I'm afraid until something is worked out with the state of Georgia (given its apparent belief that education is secondary to about everything else until its time to lie to the public to get re-elected) Tech has pretty much topped out in terms of comparative rankings and well be doing well to keep up.