Interesting results from AJC poll


► Ģŏ ʝąҁʞεɫʂ ◄
Oct 30, 2002
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Does Chan Gailey have a plan?

Yes: 10% (614)
No: 90% (5330)

Total Votes: 5944 </pre><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">

I found those results stunning, although I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of mutts went on there and padded the votes.
Not to worry. Those polls are routinely corrupted by the dawgies and the trolls. The results don't mean near as much to me as these stupid topics that the AUC come up with. They could actually do a "who's the best HC at TECH of all time" or another softball question and the poll would favor Bear Bryant or Wally Butts. Bottom line is the AUC has no journalistic integrity. They'll print anything to sell a paper. Caveat Emptor!
I saw that poll yesterday and the yes answer exceeded the no answer by 52% to 48%. I decided to see if I could vote more than once. You could vote as many times as you wished.

It is possible the core group set this up with Bradley or someone at the AJC. Then the leader of the core group probably sent out their Emails to the members of the group and told them to access the poll and keep voting no and run the tally up.

After they achieved the desired percentage, then someone could bring it to the board and post the numbers. Also it would be seen on the AJC and give them the media boost they are wanting there. Had it not been posted by Jolting Jacket, someone else from the core group would have been assigned to post it.

As I said, I did not just fall off the turnip truck. I know what the core group is trying to do.

This group has a network that is frantically searching every board, paper, and media location to find articles they can post on the board. This will not be the last one.

Father Time
The AJC polls, along with the paper in general, is a joke. As A-see pointed out, any person can vote as many times as you want. The technology is clearly out there to keep that from happening, but the AJC chooses not to use it.

I assume it's because they either want it to appear that a lot more people are coming to their website than actually are or get more revenue from their banner ads, which appear after each vote.

Either way, if anyone's been following the polls on the AJC for any period of time, they would know they should not be taken seriously.
Look, if people have some concerns about Gailey within the Tech community it's one thing, but it should be kept in the family. The AJC, nothing but a bunch of negative, journalism school jack-legs from UG, are the enemy. I have some questions about him and the program, but I circle the wagons when the AJC starts lobbing bombs. Those "polls" are nothing more than trying to get something stirred up anyway with the way they are worded.

History recalls they were all over Donnan, then all over Adams for firing him, and now feign whenever Richt enters a room. They try to have it all ways.

Terrence Moore is waiting in the wings to create a racial thing somewhere along the line.

I feel like the line in Animal House regarding Gailey "Hey, isn't that our pledges (football coach)?" "Yeah, it is" "They can't do that to our pledges (footall coach). "Only WE CAN SAY THAT about our football coach" You get the picture. To Hell With the AJC and to Georgia Too.
Ahso, believe it or not, I agree with you 110%, and not just because it sounds plausible.
If you think their sports pages are bad, you should look at their message boards. What a frickin' joke. That's why I'm so grateful for StingTalk!