Iowa got screwed

There’s a lot wrong with this post, but I’ll just point out one. There shouldn’t be a flag thrown for an invalid fair catch signal. It’s not a foul, and there’s no penalty.
Assuming the ref believed there was an invalid fair catch, how is he supposed to make that known? Blow the whistle? But he can’t throw a flag?
Assuming the ref believed there was an invalid fair catch, how is he supposed to make that known? Blow the whistle? But he can’t throw a flag?

Yes, he's supposed to blow the whistle because the ball is dead, just like when a runner goes out of bounds or his knee touches the ground. The ball is dead by rule (so the whistle should be blown), but there's no flag because there's no foul.
Just so we're all on the same page, here is what was called as an invalid fair catch signal:

Humans need to be removed from all Umpire and Officiating positions.

and that Minnesota coach jumping up and down at the end in "victory" celebration was cringey.. he should have just slunked off the field knowing he had stolen something.. asshole.
Arguably a block to the back at the 28
#4 went out of bounds then came back in to make a block, some rule about "establishing yourself" or something not sure he did that.
So you're saying it's an invalid fair catch signal?
How can it be invalid? He never raised his hand, and then never acted like he expected the play to be blown dead. No on reacted as if it were a fair catch. It makes no sense to go backwards and change the ruling there
Just so we're all on the same page, here is what was called as an invalid fair catch signal:

That is a fair catch signal. It sucks but iiwii. First wave arm is straight, then last two it gets bent upwards, higher each time. Doubtful it was his intent, but I can understand the call.
So you're saying it's an invalid fair catch signal?

I am saying its NOT a fair catch signal. It either is or it isnt. binary. what is all this invalid shit. are holds invalid blocks or are they holds?? nobody calls for a fair catch while directing blockers..
How can it be invalid? He never raised his hand, and then never acted like he expected the play to be blown dead. No on reacted as if it were a fair catch. It makes no sense to go backwards and change the ruling there

The rules literally say that "any waving motion" that doesn't meet the criteria of a valid fair catch signal is an invalid fair catch signal. If he's waving his arm, it's an invalid signal. And the ball should be dead when he possesses it.

See for yourself on p. 35 of the NCAA rulebook.
I am saying its NOT a fair catch signal. It either is or it isnt. binary. what is all this invalid öööö. are holds invalid blocks or are they holds?? nobody calls for a fair catch while directing blockers..

An invalid fair catch is specifically defined in the rules.

The rules literally say that "any waving motion" that doesn't meet the criteria of a valid fair catch signal is an invalid fair catch signal. If he's waving his arm, it's an invalid signal. And the ball should be dead when he possesses it.

See for yourself on p. 35 of the NCAA rulebook.

I see returners wave their hands all the time to tell their teammates to stay away from the ball on a roll. are those invalid fair catch signals also??... this is all bullshit. I don't like Iowa or the Big 10 and this is still bullshit like the 3 phantom illegal blocks when Rocket Ismail scored a touchdown against Colorado to propel us to an undisputed NC and was called back.


the only humans on the field should be the players.
I see returners wave their hands all the time to tell their teammates to stay away from the ball on a roll. are those invalid fair catch signals also??... this is all bullshit. I don't like Iowa or the Big 10 and this is still bullshit.

I posted the rule above. By rule, "any waving motion" that's not a valid fair catch signal is an invalid fair catch signal.

If a returner gives the "stay away" signal and no one on the receiving team touches the ball anyway, it's a moot point. The ball would be spotted at the same place regardless.