Is there another W out there?

Just listened to post game presser. We even struggled taking the play in from the sideline today.

"Never experienced this in my coaching career" (in reference to being this totally inept across the board)

Wow. Just wow.

Notable quotes:

We can't rely on anyone.

(In response to a four game skid) I have never experienced anything like this in my coaching career... Being this inept on offense.

This team played the exact same way as North Carolina. It seems like any time we go on the road we just self-destruct from the very start.

The quarterback needs to get downhill and be a runner, too, but it is hard to get downhill when no one on the inside seals.

We are in man 3 coverage and we got a öööö safety down the middle of the field and we let them got the seam on a play action
We were at home for North Carolina.

The comment was more along the lines of, "we saw this at Notre Dame, we saw it at Duke, we saw it when UNC came to town, and we saw it at Clemson. Every time we've seen it on the road we've self-destructed as a team before the game even got started."

That would be consistent with allowing Duke and Clemson to score 19 points in the 1st quarter in both games.