I clicked some of the program rankings - ISYE #1, AE #1, CIvil #2, EE #2, #4 computer (not sure what they mean but one place better than the holiest of holies Stanford, ME #2
and % of 2020 undergrad degrees awarded:
ISYE - 1 10.2%
AE - 1 5.06%
Civil - 2 3.6%
ME - 2 14.7%
EE -2 5.06%
Computers - 4 general 4.81% general computer and info services 18.1%
Materials - 5 2.54%
so that's 38.6% of degrees are in programs ranked 1 or 2, another 25.4% in programs rated 4th or 5th
The overall rankings are bullshit, there are not 40 schools with more than 60% of their degrees issued in top 5 programs.
There are half a dozen top tiered engineering schools and we are somewhere in the middle of them. If someone wants to compare us to UGA why not throw in the Dahlonega Institute of HVAC and Sheet Metal work, about as much in common with us.