It's Saturday in Athens ... does that mean the police are getting extra handcuffs and tasers for their shifts?
Do people like this actually exist? It's amazing the amount of variation that can exist and technically be the same species.
Perhaps you're more similar than you realize.
Do people like this actually exist? It's amazing the amount of variation that can exist and technically be the same species.

We are witnessing speciation. Who among us would mate with any of those women? Homo bulldoggus
Do people like this actually exist? It's amazing the amount of variation that can exist and technically be the same species.
You've clearly never attended a game at Sanford.

This is not their student/ alumni population, but these people are loyal mutt fans nonetheless. I had some clients from South Georgia one time who lived 3 adults and 7 children in a double wide and all rode around in an 85 chevy suburban that burned as much oil as gas. Dirt poor people with zero education.

That suburban made it up 441 for every Georgia home game and they had season tickets. They were pretty nice people but they would have fit right in this video.
We are witnessing speciation. Who among us would mate with any of those women? Homo bulldoggus
Hey now, according to the genome project, there were those crazy group of homo sapiens that looked at homo neanderthalensis and homo erectus women and thought to himself "I'd hit that."
I was there for that debacle. That picture is tame compared to what I saw. I was the guest of some UGAg fans - UGAg vs. USuCk. I could see the embarrassment on their faces as we walked through past the law library. Gaggers pissing and shitting in the bushes next to the law library. I witnessed these things. I wouldn't have believed it had I not been there. People passed out in their own sick. It was nasty.

I was, of course, quite satisfied with the trip
Chris Bolden is to CincyJacket as Brendan Douglas is to Gtphd
Don't forget Brandon Miller chose UGAg over GT because he was impressed with their Computer Science department. I suppose he is somewhere doing computer stuff and earning some fat stack$ right now.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Let me tell you about an orphan who lived in the desert. His mother and caretakers were killed by an oppressive occupying government. He adopted an extremist religion, traveled for specialized training, and later, killed millions. That young man was celebrated as a hero by the insurgency.
Can't even come up with a solid 3 for a music video?