It's Time To Hate the Mutts Official StingTalk TailGate

I don't disagree that it's always time. But now it's OFFICIAL time to hate them. Sometime you gotta be reminded that it's time to double down on the hate.

And @Akinji07 makes a great point. @whenyousaybud is another frequent tailgater...@coit made an appearance at the Pitt tailgate. And @gtchief is AOK with me...another great young fellow who is a lot of fun to hang out with.
And @Architorture23 is a frequent tailgater and yet another awesome GT fellow to hang out with at a tailgate.

For first timers, how does one introduce one's self? ST moniker, real name, or an adhesive name tag with both real name and alias?
This sportsbroad person sounds a bit confused. Is it a she/he/it or damn dwag?
For first timers, how does one introduce one's self? ST moniker, real name, or an adhesive name tag with both real name and alias?
Just come up and say, "Hi, I'm Mark (or Steve etc)...I'm Vespidie on line". We're easy to find. There will be a tent and a flag (if CornDog isn't too lazy to bring it this time). We're on 5th Street....right where I marked the square and I put a reference to the direction of the GT Bookstore over on 5th and Spring Street as a reference to how to find us. We'll be in the back corner there where the square is unless someone really industrious beats us to that spot.

There will be beer and liquor and probably some type of food, although with an early tailgate, I don't know how much food will be there. Regardless, you'll meet some really nice guys and get to hear @Akinji07 yell "What's the Good Word?" at least 3 or 4 times usually. On Saturday, you might hear it 30 or 40 times since there will be mutts in the area.
I’ll be st the Tesla plant in Freemont.

I have a pretty good record for games watched there.
We all thank you for doing your part, Rules.
If we pull out the win, StingTalk gives you permission to take one of the new trucks out and cut donuts in the parking lot!
Estaré allí para mi cumpleaños. Batir esos pedazos de mierda es el único regalo que quiero.
Dude, if I was in town you and me would already be passed out in traffic.
It's a shame. And it's just not worth going so far alone. I've got an intersection within stumbling distance so I'll probably catch my pregame blackout nap there and wake up in time to vomit on our spot on the bridge before anyone arrives.