Jacob Eason update?


I hate your face.
I'm recommending you be perma-bann'd for whining. And I don't even like gtzulu.
I'm recommending you be perma-banned for being a maggot. And I don't even like you.
My brother, who, yes, is a priest, has known many Notre Dame grads. As he is wont to say, "you can tell a Notre Dame grad. You just can't tell him much."

The day UGag played Notre Dame in the Sugar Bowl, my brother was at Emory Hospital getting what was supposed to be a fairly innocuous procedure. Instead, the doctor nicked his jugular vein and he almost bled to death on the operating table. Meanwhile, my dad and I are at the hotel nearby watching the Irish completely gift wrap the game for the Mutts, not knowing how close my brother was to being in grave danger with one of the best surgeons in the world.
I've been waiting all this time to get back at them. While I loathe Brian Kelly, I've never wanted that sonofabitch to win more than I do this coming Saturday.
The backup looked better to me. Eason is a dud. I hope he's back soon and retains the starting job.
This. Eason going down early was the best thing that could have happened to them. Fromm needed the game time experience before going into ND.