James Conner Pitt

Obviously soccer is a different sport, but my girlfriend at the time tore her ACL midway through the season. She continued to play and had surgery after the season ended. She not only played, but was the leading scorer for USC and the Pac-10.

I dunno. Maybe girls are just tougher.
Things are getting worse for James Connor... In his press conference today to announce his return to Pitt next year, he also announced that he has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Dang. Wish this best for this kid.

Via Twitter:
Per doctor, Conner's cure rate is between 85-95 percent.
I'd offer prayers and thoughts for the young man, but I don't want to get excoriated in the media.
Wow. Talk about tough breaks. All the best to this young man.
Terrible. Hope he defeats it and kicks ass on the field and goes on to make millions in the nfl.
He should be able to come out just fine against Hodgkin's. Mario Lemieux got it mid career and came back and dominated like he used to. Still, it's a hard battle, and I hope the kid beats it and kicks butt in the NFL. I'll root for him wherever he goes.