Joe Ham on 680

I'm gonna take the scenic route home this afternoon just to hear Auburn Chuck tease Jackwagon Chernoff and their nasally sound guy
The sound guy on Chuck and Chernoff sounds like he’s persistently trying to not choke on the D in his throat while attempting to be funny. He’s a total buffoon and ruins the show. Chernoff plays the homer card. I don’t think he even went to college but he rides uga’s D, but that’s what he’s paid to do.
öööö you fatass Ron Dayne
I don't blame Ron Dayne - all he did was play football best he could. I blame the dumbass Heisman voters who penalized Joe for the dumpster fire that took the field after he buried the other team's defense.
I don't blame Ron Dayne - all he did was play football best he could. I blame the dumbass Heisman voters who penalized Joe for the dumpster fire that took the field after he buried the other team's defense.
The Wake loss killed any chance he had. A 9-2 regular season might've gotten it done.