Joe Hamilton radio analyst

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Well, Joe isn't Roddy, but I like it for now. I am rooting for Joe; always a GT HOF'er and college football HOF'er.
He’s actually gotten much better recently. Aside from being drunk on air at the BC game last year.
Joe does not, as I recall, pull punches.

This should be good. Pretty sure I was drunk during the BC game, too. How much can a man take?
I know if I had to be in the booth calling games the last three years it'd look something like this
This was going to be response. Joe doesn’t have an allegiance to anyone other than GT football. He will call it how he sees it.
Wouldn't expect him to pull something like this

For anyone who doesn't have a subscription, a former Wake QB was on the coaching staff before Clawson but wasn't retained and became their color guy on the radio. Since he was on the broadcast team he had access to the practice film and he would document the plays that Wake was working on for the coming week and send them to opposing coaches, including the infamous 0-0 tie with VT. Took a while for Wake to figure out what happened and who it was, probably cost them some wins that season and was a major factor in their QB getting hurt.
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