Johnson Interview w/ Zach Klein and Jeff Schultz


Knowledge superspreader
Dec 6, 2011
Interesting interview. Sorry in advance if repost.

Here's the dwag site's summary:

"• On comparisons between Bobinski and Dan Radakovich: “(Bobinski and I) weren’t particularly close but we didn’t turn our head every time the guy walked down the hall. I just never saw him much. … Dan was very hands on. Dan would be in my office three times a week. We had a relationship. Most of the ADs I’ve worked with had that direct contact with the football coach.”

How often was Bobinski in his office? “In three, four years? I probably can count them on one hand.”

• Contrasting the economic realities of Tech vs. many Power 5 conference programs: “I was set to hire (defensive coordinator) Ellis Johnson (in 2008) and we didn’t have the money. That’s what happens when one program says go hire who you want and the other one says you’ve got $250,000 to hire a coordinator.” (Tech hired Dave Wommack, who was fired after two years when he wouldn’t accept a demotion.)

• On his negative reputation: “Basically I think what happens is people get a perception of you and they run with it. The guys I get in a big a disagreement with, some radio guys, they don’t know me from Adam’s house cat. And then they get personal. But when it comes back on them, they can’t handle it.”

And then there was that time back when he coached high school basketball when he threatened to deck a referee. No, seriously.""
Listened to most of it, after I had an appointment cancel today. It's a good listen and it's about 48 minutes long. Surprised they were able to get that much time with him.
I like where he talks about his players. You can tell he cares for them imho. It is also interesting that he has been offered other jobs and stayed at Tech because of the kids and him not wanting to take his daughter out of another school. The story about Bush was funny and I can see that happening. Overall it made me like the man more but I admit I have been on the CPJ bandwagon. I hope he gets everything turned around soon.
I like CPJ's gruff but underneath funny and friendly manner. I like the fact the players like him, they graduate and they stay out of trouble. I think CPJ is smart, a good game day coach and gets a lot out of his players. However, sorry, I just do not like his under center offense and his bend but don't break defense.
Listened to most of it, after I had an appointment cancel today. It's a good listen and it's about 48 minutes long. Surprised they were able to get that much time with him.
I think the only way to really get a good picture of CPJ is with an extended period of time. His initial answers can come off pretty gruff, and when that is all you have time for it's easy to think that's all there is.
I wish they could have kept the microphone anywhere near CPJ. Turning it up enough that I can hear what he says is like:

CPJ: something something something

I kinda thought the rumor was that Charles Kelly was not offered the DC position and left for FSU.

Also, CPJ says he's been offered 6 or 7 jobs since he got here. One after his first year which rumors would suggest was Auburn.
This interview is nothing short of solid, regardless of whether or not you like CPJ. Hats off to Klein/Schultz for doing it to begin with as well as CPJ for taking the time to do this and dispel lots of rumors.

My favorite line was "don't present an opinion like it's a fact" (around the 17:40 mark)
I wish they could have kept the microphone anywhere near CPJ. Turning it up enough that I can hear what he says is like:

CPJ: something something something


Total amateur hour audio engineering.
Lots of cool "inside" info about a variety of topics (coaching, ADs, recruiting, DCs, GT, etc.).

This is a must listen.
Respect and admire the man more now than ever. Hope he stays at GT a long time. Go Jackets! #TogetherWeSwarm