Johnson Interview w/ Zach Klein and Jeff Schultz

Let me add my kudos to this interview. Anyone who wants a change at head coach should at least take a listen. I think CPJ really lays bare what being the GT coach is like. I'm on board and want him to stay here as long as he has the motivation.
He actually sounded a little defeated to me... Better chance of his daughter singing on Broadway or something than us winning a mnc?? Guess what coach we've won 4 and she hasn't sang once
Damn. Solid 10 interview. Sounds like he gets Tech. Correction, sounds like he is Tech. I like Paul. I just wish he was better.
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"• On comparisons between Bobinski and Dan Radakovich: “(Bobinski and I) weren’t particularly close but we didn’t turn our head every time the guy walked down the hall. I just never saw him much. … Dan was very hands on. Dan would be in my office three times a week. We had a relationship. Most of the ADs I’ve worked with had that direct contact with the football coach.”

How often was Bobinski in his office? “In three, four years? I probably can count them on one hand.”

Not surprising. I met Bobinski when he first came to Tech and asked him if he had been to CPJ's office to talk to him yet. He told me that when he wanted to talk to him, CPJ would be coming to his office.
Great interview, more candid than what you would get with almost any Power 5 football coach. CPJ obviously respects Klein and Schultz more than the rest of the ATL sports media.