Johnson reflects on the train wreck that was Collins

Favorite quote:
“Hopefully, it sounds like the president’s getting involved and some people are getting involved and they’ll fund (the program),” he said. “They’ve got to fund it, no matter what they do. If they don’t fund the program, it’s going to be a struggle for whoever.”
Favorite quote:
“Hopefully, it sounds like the president’s getting involved and some people are getting involved and they’ll fund (the program),” he said. “They’ve got to fund it, no matter what they do. If they don’t fund the program, it’s going to be a struggle for whoever.”
It sounds like he has been paying attention.
I suspect Key's "no more small ball" talk probably rubbed him the wrong way, but I am sure he respects him more than he does Collins
That probably did. Though Choice, who I also heard say some disparaging comments about the PJ era, and Key both follow PJ on Twitter.
I really dont care what his thoughts are. Not sure why he felt the need to be so self serving...
