Leatherjacket said:
I've noticed recently that this board has really cleaned up its act.
I am not sure what you mean by that statement b/c other than the change to VBoards everything else has remained the same.
Someone asked me in the chat room what forum I post on and although I did not answer the answer would probably be the Hive (under a different nick).
It is VERY difficult to post on the same board that you moderate. I enjoy reading JOJATK posts over here b/c nowhere in the thread is someone kissing up to him.
I dislike going into the chatrooms b/c invariably someone will startup a mod discussion. Dude, NOT TO BE RUDE, but I just want to be a fan.
I wonder if any of the 4 mods who took over for RR actually regret doing so.
Being a moderator SUX. It is very difficult to reel in long time posters when they start to cross the line. How bout when you actually agree w/ the out of line poster?
What keeps Beestorm and I going is we try not to do too much moderation. Frankly I don't have time w/ my job and the pred contest.
One thing that helps is we do not let too many rival fans on the board and the MOMENT any of them cross the line they are gone never to return.
I was reading a post on Buzzoff about speculation that StatelineJacket may be a GTFAN w/o a board. (Stateline is not banned from here) But b/f Buzzoff some of those guys were over here and I new if I kicked them they would be a fan w/o a board and that sux.
I had numerous conversations w/ Beeware (i think he is a poster w/o a board) b/f ultimately I had to pull the plug. There is no doubt in my mind that Beeware wants GT to win every game.
I have a lot of respect for those members of Stingtalk who even though they had disagreements w/ the program they could articulate in a constructive manner that did not cause problems for the moderators.
Has Stingtalk cleaned its act up? NO but b/c WE ARE WINNING not only does it look like Stingtalk cleaned its act up but Buzzoff has shut its doors.