

Damn Good Rat
Feb 8, 2003
You've been posting a lot here lately. Any chance you've been banned from the board you moderate?

That would easily trump BOR's 6 suspensions and my 5 + lifetime ban.
Re: Jojatk - LOL :)

chilidogking said:
You've been posting a lot here lately. Any chance you've been banned from the board you moderate?

That would easily trump BOR's 6 suspensions and my 5 + lifetime ban.

Nah, I just switched jobs recently and the new one allows me a little more personal time instead of working 24/7/365. I like both boards and like talking with GT fans all over the place who have different points of view.

But it would be pretty freaking funny if I had been banned from The Hive :laugher::wow::eek5::p
I've noticed recently that this board has really cleaned up its act. Now that OLD FOGGIE has disappeared, not much difference in ST and the Hive. Probably the reason that more hivers are posting here.
Leatherjacket said:
I've noticed recently that this board has really cleaned up its act.

I am not sure what you mean by that statement b/c other than the change to VBoards everything else has remained the same.

Someone asked me in the chat room what forum I post on and although I did not answer the answer would probably be the Hive (under a different nick).

It is VERY difficult to post on the same board that you moderate. I enjoy reading JOJATK posts over here b/c nowhere in the thread is someone kissing up to him.

I dislike going into the chatrooms b/c invariably someone will startup a mod discussion. Dude, NOT TO BE RUDE, but I just want to be a fan.

I wonder if any of the 4 mods who took over for RR actually regret doing so.

Being a moderator SUX. It is very difficult to reel in long time posters when they start to cross the line. How bout when you actually agree w/ the out of line poster?

What keeps Beestorm and I going is we try not to do too much moderation. Frankly I don't have time w/ my job and the pred contest.

One thing that helps is we do not let too many rival fans on the board and the MOMENT any of them cross the line they are gone never to return.

I was reading a post on Buzzoff about speculation that StatelineJacket may be a GTFAN w/o a board. (Stateline is not banned from here) But b/f Buzzoff some of those guys were over here and I new if I kicked them they would be a fan w/o a board and that sux.

I had numerous conversations w/ Beeware (i think he is a poster w/o a board) b/f ultimately I had to pull the plug. There is no doubt in my mind that Beeware wants GT to win every game.

I have a lot of respect for those members of Stingtalk who even though they had disagreements w/ the program they could articulate in a constructive manner that did not cause problems for the moderators.

Has Stingtalk cleaned its act up? NO but b/c WE ARE WINNING not only does it look like Stingtalk cleaned its act up but Buzzoff has shut its doors.

Wealth is the parent of luxury and indolence, and poverty of meanness and viciousness, and both of discontent.

Plato (427 BC - 347 BC), The Republic
I wonder if any of the 4 mods who took over for RR actually regret doing so.

Being a moderator SUX.

qft. Glad I'm not a moderator. I probably would have banned myself a long time ago.
Leatherjacket said:
not much difference in ST and the Hive. Probably the reason that more hivers are posting here.

Other than what GTF wrote, have you not wandered over to the Off Topic part of the property?

Seriously though, there is a very big difference. There is still very little to no tolerance of criticism on The Hive without being accused of destroying recruiting.
Things can get civily heated over here, and a good debate is often the result.

I lurk and read this board quite a bit. Its really come around
over the past year or so and I commend the mods for recognizing
when to take out the trash. :biggthumpup:

Its tough being a mod sometimes when you are very
outspoken and opinionated by nature. I just tend to do
my venting in person at tailgates and games.

The Hive and Stingtalk are both good boards these days.
I like to read the hive, but it's over the top sometimes and is unreadable a day or two after games because idiots who don't know how to use the internet post the same thread 50 times.

This board isn't nearly as active, but the signal-to-noise ratio is a lot higher.
The Hive was severely damaged, imo, as the board traffic increased. It's very difficult to navigate casually. Waay too many meaningless threads, and way too many threads saying the same thing. It took 3 hours a day to find the 8 things worth reading, back when I was a regular, which is why I used to try to do the Daily Hive Recaps - to help save other people's time.

The mods at the Hive do as best a job as they can, with the task at hand, which is to moderate an internet community that's entirely too large to be flexible in its standards. They pretty much have to lay down the law, and stick to it. I'm sure it's tough.

I do miss the Hive some, but more out of a sense of legacy than community. It's hard to give up on a forum community you've got over 3000 posts on. Of course getting banned makes it easier! Hehe.

Stingtalk seems like a pretty good community to me, so far. It's small enough to where you can actually get to know the posters, but big enough that it's not boring.
Not particularly. :)

Although I do wonder if they archived the thread that got me kicked, instead of just deleting it. I'd like to go back and read what was said. Memories fade.
Actually pw I disagree completely. There's plenty of disagreement on the Hive, just not of the buzzoff nature. In fact, I think there's very little difference anymore between the Hive and Stingtalk except for the fonts who post on each. I pretty much can say the same thing on either one, and I see pretty much the same sentiments as well. I think the "Hive groupthink" thing is way overblown.
There are some great posters on the Hive, but also a horde of the Completely Clueless. (Not that there's anything wrong with that - you can't fill a stadium without a healthy dose of casual fans.)

I have a hard time reading the Hive - I drop in sometimes but I would have to quit my job to read all the articles faithfully. I post over there very rarely.

One thing that would certainly help would be to segregate sports as has been done here.

I like this board because the posters are more "hardcore", informed Tech fans in general, and funnier too, or at least more in line with my sense of humor.
The Hive was severely damaged, imo, as the board traffic increased.

When I attempted to register on the Hive back in 2003, I never could get my request for an account authorized. Finally just gave up and registered on ST, which has represented GT well as a board over the years.
Buzz Bomb said:
When I attempted to register on the Hive back in 2003, I never could get my request for an account authorized. Finally just gave up and registered on ST, which has represented GT well as a board over the years.

This is exactly what happened to me.
ncjacket said:
Actually pw I disagree completely.

While I recognize my propensity to exaggerate, I do believe that StingTalk is more discussion, while The Hive is more of a chat room, with definite Hive social class hierarchy.
If I spent more time over there, It's possible I would feel differently.
That said, they have a great thing going.
I enjoy both StingTalk and The Hive a great deal. The communities are a bit different and the structure of each place is a bit different and so it keeps things interesting to switch back and forth.

I think there was a fairly accurate statement about the signal-noise ratio. There's probably less static here because of the size of the community which sometimes makes it easier to read. On the other hand there can sometimes be some real nasty name calling which does jack up the noise level here sometimes.

That's not, by the way, meant as a criticism of StingTalk. I think things are run a bit differently here and that's as it should be. I enjoy being a part of this community as well as the Hive community.

As for being a moderator I think that people do sometimes get a skewed view of my opinions on things because I try VERY hard to maintain an even keel (and am not always successful). I can't always express how I feel about certain things because of the word "Administrator" next to my handle and that can be frustrating at times.

I do have a separate handle on The Hive that I use occassionally when I really need to post something that shouldn't come from a "moderator."

I will say that I think gtfan and BeeStorm deserve more credit for the success of this place than they are willing to accept. Bravo you two!!!