Keith Brooking Encounter


Varsity Lurker
Jan 25, 2002
Went to New Orleans this weekend for a bachelor party(a whole other story).

At the airport, one of my friends recognized Keith Brooking. He was waiting on the train to take us to the terminals. We were in the same car, and one of us asked if he was Brooking. He admitted that he was. We chatted a bit about golf, vacations, other stuff.

I did ask him what he thought of the Gailey hire. He said he's had the chance to meet Gailey a couple of times. He said you can't find a nicer guy, and that he's a great coach. But it does still remain to be seen if he can get over Tech's academic recruiting hurdle and adjust to coaching college ball. But he was optimistic. Generic answer, but still as true as any.
Just thought you guys would want to know.
thanks for the update, we are all chopping at the bit to find out how this hire will turn out.

Well law-bee, you have done it now. Previously, when someone stated an item that was far out, you could say, "yes, when pigs fly". I guess anything is possible now!
