Lack of Enthusiasm


Varsity Lurker
Jul 4, 2015
It looked like GT didn't want to play Saturday. The sideline was lifeless. Meanwhile the VA sideline was jumping up and down the whole game, celebrating every success. Stayed that way the whole game. No coaching intervention or player leadership to get the guys believing or feeling momentum as it swung. On the coaches in my mind.
Johnson said his favorite thing was to play 3-4 teams....
Yeah, our guys weren't ready to play at all. Uva was pumped and hoping to clinch bowl eligibility. Our guys looked like they'd rather be somewhere else.

Still think Miami and Tennessee chokes are lingering in their minds. Season changing losses.
Noticed this too, very obvious on the Ricky Juene catch on 4th and 15.

I don't care what anyone says, that stuff matters in college football.
Yeah, our guys weren't ready to play at all. Uva was pumped and hoping to clinch bowl eligibility. Our guys looked like they'd rather be somewhere else.

Still think Miami and Tennessee chokes are lingering in their minds. Season changing losses.
The Tennessee loss was like missing a 4 footer to open a crummy round of golf.
I call BS on you guys who think you can determine whether we were ready to play or not by looking at a handful of camera shots of the sidelines.

I was sitting in the rain in the upper deck the whole game. There was definitely less energy on our sideline than on UVA's. I don't know how much stock to put into dancing, but they were still jumping around like crazy after the pick-6. They believed they would find a way to win, and I think we just hoped not to lose.

This thread started about enthusiasm. Look at Saban and Dabo for instance at their enthusiasm and the way their teams play with enthusiasm and CPJ with his nonchalant attitude and the way Tech plays. I think CPJ is a great coach but lacks the personality to fire players up to get to the next level.
I thought our guys did not seem to enjoy being there. The season has some negative vibes increasing. They hated the rain and had previous bad experience with rain. They have blown two leads and seem about as confident as the Falcons. Too much talk of negative vibes associated with Charlottesville. They seemed to be waiting for UVA to self-destruct, rather than forcing the action. When UVA proved resilient after falling behind by 15 we seemed both surprised and incapable of meeting their intensity.
It looked like GT didn't want to play Saturday. The sideline was lifeless. Meanwhile the VA sideline was jumping up and down the whole game, celebrating every success. Stayed that way the whole game. No coaching intervention or player leadership to get the guys believing or feeling momentum as it swung. On the coaches in my mind.

They were at home and Johnson doesn't encourage those sideline histrionics like Richt
As the season progresses, I think most of our players get sick of being screamed at on the sidelines by Johnson. Motivation goes way down. Is it any wonder that we typically get worse as the season progresses?
As the season progresses, I think most of our players get sick of being screamed at on the sidelines by Johnson. Motivation goes way down. Is it any wonder that we typically get worse as the season progresses?

Yeah, that first year playing football is the worst. Who knew coaches could yell?
As the season progresses, I think most of our players get sick of being screamed at on the sidelines by Johnson. Motivation goes way down. Is it any wonder that we typically get worse as the season progresses?

I, uh, don't think the math checks out on your "typically get worse as the season progresses." There's that whole "when the leaves start turning, the option starts churning" thing (probably related to increasing experience level), for example. That's offset by fatigue, injuries, and occasionally increasing level of competition, of course.
