Lack of Support??

...................One of the things I hate most about UGA/Texas football and Duke/UNC basketball is the number of fans that have absolutely no connection to the school...many times they don't even live in the same state as the school. They drive a large part of the merchandising success. I kind of like that if I meet a Tech fan, I pretty much know he or she is a real Tech person, not just someone who started rooting for us because we win a lot or our logo/colors are cool.

I agree. Nice post.
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Who cares?

I am under the impression that GT gets money from these items that are sold. Maybe not, I don't know. But if we do, I would think DRad and Clough would, or should, care very much.

I would think that our S/As would appreciate some of that money, if not all, going to upgrade facilites.

I would think our S/As would love to see more GT shirts, hats, or stickers everywhere they go.

I would love to have more people wanting to buy Tech tickets for the purpose of cheering for GT even if they did not go to school there.

But who cares.
Ok, two thoughts...

One, we need some sort of marketing degree program. our SAs can major in that, then when the graduate, we'll put them to work selling our merchandise.

Two, the SEC in general does have much cooler t-shirts than we do. We had a couple years there recently (around 98-02) where we had some clever t-shirts. I see all the time (living in Alabama, almost always UA or AU) t-shirts that I would love to have if they had a Tech version.
It has very little to do with the witty sayings and much more to do with fanbase size and access. It's the chicken and egg thing. Would we sell more if they were everywhere or would there just be more merchandise in the clearance section?

I remember when we went to the final four and split the national championship, you could find shirts at Wal-Mart and Kmart. However, when we're not hot, all you can find is UGA merchandise with the exception of the odd GT hat. My guess is that they've been burned with excess a few times and are more judicious on when they stock our stuff.