Lane Kiffin to Florida.....

Price is like the Emperor to Kiffin's Darth Whiskeydick.
Low expectations, no income tax, and making inroads with FL recruiting which will boost his resume. I'd say a dream scenario for a guy trying to revitalize a subpar coaching career.
If I thought Kiffin had a shred of pride or dignity left, I'd say it'll be funny to watch him flounder at a program like FAU. But I don't think he really gives a öööö about the quality of the program as long as he gets paid and has more freedom to do whatever the öööö he wants on and off the field.

He has to be taking a huge pay cut though. I think he makes like 1.4 mil at Bama and FAU was paying their last coach like 560k.
Low expectations, no income tax, and making inroads with FL recruiting which will boost his resume. I'd say a dream scenario for a guy trying to revitalize a subpar coaching career.
That no income tax is deceptive, they make it up other ways tolls, expensive property taxes and the like.
Is that really an upgrade over being OC at Bama?

He must really be tired of being Saban's bitch.

He's taking a big paycut too. Reports say his salary will be 1mil, but incentives may be a big part of that which he probably won't achieve initially. The last head coach got 600k. His Bama salary this year was 1.4mil; that's a big difference.

Must really hated working for Saban to not wait for a better opportunity. At lease he didn't fail upward this time.
He's taking a big paycut too. Reports say his salary will be 1mil, but incentives may be a big part of that which he probably won't achieve initially. The last head coach got 600k. His Bama salary this year was 1.4mil; that's a big difference.

Must really hated working for Saban to not wait for a better opportunity. At lease he didn't fail upward this time.

Supposedly Bama didn't intend to renew his contract which ended after this season. So it was this or be LSU's OC. He interviewed at Houston but obviously didn't get that one.
... assume you know that the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa not Birmingham. Regardless, Boca Raton is > Tuscaloosa.

Thanks :). I actually had to look up Florida Atlantic location, should've looked up both.